Microfiche 1227 474, Box 2
A copy of the Kings Majesties charter, for incorporating the Company of the Massachusets Bay in New-England in America Granted in the fourth year of His Highness reign of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, anno Dom. 1628. |
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Microfiche 1227 475, Box 2
At the convention of the governour and Council, and representatives of the Massachusets colony It is declared, that all the laws made by the governour and company of said colony, that were in force on the twelfth day of May, one thousand six hundred eighty six ... are the laws of this colony. |
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Microfiche 1227 482, Box 2
At the convention of the governour, Council, and representatives of the Massachusets Colony ... It is ordered, that Thursday, the nineteenth day of this instant September; be observed as a day of humiliation, with fasting and prayer. |
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Microfiche 1227 486, Box 2
Memorable providences, relating to witchcrafts and possessions A faithful account of many wonderful and surprising things, that have befallen several bewitched and possessed persons in New-England. Particularly, a narrative of the marvellous trouble and releef [sic] experienced by a pious family in Boston, very lately and sadly molested with evil spirits. : Whereunto is added, a discourse delivered unto a congregation in Boston, on the occasion of that illustrious providence. : As also a discourse delivered unto the same congregation; on the occasion of an horrible self-murder committed in that town. : With an appendix, in vindication of a chapter in a late book of remarkable providences, from the calumnies of a Quaker at Pen-silvania [sic]. / |
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Microfiche 1227 487, Box 2
Small offers towards the service of the tabernacle in the wilderness Four discourses, accommodated unto the designs of practical godliness. The first, concerning the methods wherein men ought to engage both themselves and their houses in the service of God. The second, concerning the right and best waies of redeeming time in the world. The third, concerning the carriage which we should have under trials used by God upon us. The fourth, concerning the end, which in our desires of life, we should propound unto ourselves. Preached partly at Boston, partly at Charleston. / |
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Microfiche 1227 488, Box 2
Souldiers counselled and comforted A discourse delivered unto some part of the forces engaged in the just war of New-England against the northern & eastern Indians. Sept. 1. 1689. / |
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Microfiche 1227 489, Box 2
Work upon the ark Meditations upon the ark as a type of the church; delivered in a sermon at Boston, and now dedicated unto the service of all, but especially of those whose concerns lye in ships. / |
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Microfiche 1227 490, Box 2
A brief discourse concerning the unlawfulness of the common prayer worship And of laying the hand on, and kissing the Booke in swearing. / |
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Microfiche 1227 491, Box 2
The declaration, of the gentlemen, merchants, and inhabitants of Boston, and the countrey adjacent. April 18th. 1689 |
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Microfiche 1227 492, Box 2
The Present state of the New-English affairs This is published to prevent false reports. |
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Microfiche 1227 493, Box 2
From a gentleman of Boston to a friend in the countrey |
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Microfiche 1227 495, Box 2
The present state of New-England impartially considered, in a letter to the clergy |
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Microfiche 1227 497, Box 2
Sampwutteahae Quinnuppekompauaenin ... |
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Microfiche 1227 498, Box 2
Water-baptism plainly proved by Scripture to be a Gospel precept |
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Microfiche 1227 499, Box 2
An almanack for the year of our Lord, MDCLXXXIX ... Calculated for and fitted to the meridian of Boston in New-England, where the North Pole is elevated 42 gr. 30 m. / |
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Microfiche 1227 500, Box 2
Meat out of the eater or Meditations concerning the necessity, end, and usefulness of afflictions unto Gods children All tending to prepare them for, and comfort them under the cross. / |
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Microfiche 1227 501, Box 2
His Highness the Prince of Orange, his letter to the Lords Spiritual and Temporal assembled at Westminster, in this present convention |
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Microfiche 1227 502, Box 2
The principles of the Protestant religion maintained and churches of New-England, in the profession and exercise thereof defended, against all the calumnies of one George Keith, a Quaker, in a book lately published at Pensilvania [sic], to undermine them both. / |
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Microfiche 1227 504, Box 2
Echantillon de la doctrine que les Jésuites enségnent aus sauvages de nouveau monde pour les convertir tirèe de leurs propres manuscrits trouvés ces jours passes en Albanie proche de Nieuyorke / |
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Microfiche 1227 507, Box 2
Further quaeries upon the present state of the New-English affairs |
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