Microfiche 1227 508, Box 2
An abridgement of the English military discipline |
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Microfiche 1227 509, Box 2
The Christianity of the people commonly called, Quakers asserted, against the unjust charge of their being no Christians upon several questions relating to those matters, wherein their Christian belief is questioned. |
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Microfiche 1227 510, Box 2
Mr. Cotton Mather opposed by a son of the church Sir, I have seen your invitation to the Lords Supper, and am grieved to see the sacraments so much wronged. |
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Microfiche 1227 511, Box 2
Quæstiones pro modulo discutiendæ sub clar. D. Johanne Leveretto, Collegii Harvardini ... sexto nonas quintilis M,DCC,XC. |
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Microfiche 1227 512, Box 2
Holwell's predictions of many remarkable things, which may probably come to pase [sic], from the year 1689. Untill the year. 1700. Written 1682. |
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Microfiche 1227 513, Box 2
A Journal of the proceedings in the late expedition to Port-Royal, on board Their Majesties Ship, the Six-Friends, the Honourable William Phipps Knight, commander in chief, &c A true copy, attested by Joshua Natstock clerk. |
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Microfiche 1227 514, Box 2
A plain short catechism for children & youth that may be serviceable to such others, who need to be constructed in the first principles and grounds of the Christian religion. : To which is added, a short paraphrase or opening, by way of meditation on that prayer which our Lord Jesus Christ taught his disciples, commonly call'd, The Lords prayer. / |
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Microfiche 1227 515, Box 2
The pretended antidote proved poyson: or, The true principles of the Christian & Protestant religion defended, and the four counterfit [sic] defenders thereof detected and discovered the names of which are James Allen, Joshua Moodey, Samuell Willard and Cotton Mather, who call themselves ministers of the Gospel in Boston, in their pretended answer to my book, called, The Presbyterian & independent visible churches in New-England, and else-where, brought to the test, &c. : And G.K. cleared not to be guilty of any calumnies against these called teachers of New-England, &c. / |
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Microfiche 1227 516, Box 2
A refutation of three opposers of truth, by plain evidence of the Holy Scripture viz. I. Of Pardon Tillinghast, who pleadeth for water-baptism, its being a Gospel-precept, and opposeth Christ within, as a false Christ. To which is added, something concerning the supper, &c. II. Of B. Keech, in his book called, A tutor for children, where he disputeth against the sufficiency of the light within, in order to salvation; and calleth Christ in the heart, a false Christ in the secret chamber. III. Of Cotton Mather, who in his appendix to his book, called, Memorable providences, relating to witchcraft, &c. doth so weakly defend his father Increase Mather from being justly chargeable with abusing the honest people called Quakers, that he doth the more lay open his father's nakedness; and beside the abuses and injuries that his father had cast upon that people, C. Mather, the son, addeth new abuses of his own. : And a few words of a letter to John Cotton, called a minister, at Plymouth in New England. / |
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Microfiche 1227 519, Box 2
Anno Regni Regis & Reginæ Gulielmi & Mariæ secundo. By the governour, & Council Whereas the Honourable Sir William Phipps knight is appointed to take the command of such forces as shall be raised for Their Majesties service in the present expedition against the French at Nova Scotia, and L'Accadie. |
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Microfiche 1227 520, Box 2
At a session of the General Court of the Massachusets colony, in Boston, 28th of May, 1690 Whereas the Honourable Sir William Phipps, Knight, is appointed to take the chief command. |
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Microfiche 1227 521, Box 2
At the General Court of Their Majesties colony of the Massachusetts Bay in New-England, sitting in Boston by adjournment. December. 10th. 1690 Whereas for the maintaining and defending of Their Majesties interests against the hostile invasions of their French and Indian enemies. |
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Microfiche 1227 523, Box 2
By the Council and representatives of the colony of the Massachusetts Bay; convened at Boston Mr. Eliakim Hutchinson, Mr. Peter Sergeant, Mr. Samson Sheaf, Mr. John Eyre and Mr. Thomas Brattle (all or any three of them) are desired and appointed a committee to grant debenters for wages to the souldiers that have been lately imployed in their majesties service against the common Indian enemy. |
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Microfiche 1227 529, Box 2
At a General Court held at Charlstown by adjournment. Feb. 12th 1689[/]90 This Court taking into consideration the many calls of God's providence upon his people ... doth appoint the sixth of March next, to be observed as a day of publick prayer and fasting throughout this jurisdiction. |
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Microfiche 1227 530, Box 2
By the governour & General Court of the colony of the Massachusetts Bay, in New-England It having been a thing too sensible and obvious to escape the observation of all who are not wholly strangers in our Israel. |
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Microfiche 1227 533, Box 2
By the governour and Council Whereas some have lately presumed to print and disperse a pamphlet, entituled, Publick occurrences, both forreign and domestick: Boston, Thursday, Septemb. 25th. 1690. Without the least privity or countenance of authority. The governour and Council ... order that the same be suppressed and called in. |
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Microfiche 1227 534, Box 2
Addresses to old men, and young men, and little children In three discourses ... To which may be added, a short scriptural catechism, accommodated unto their capacities. / |
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Microfiche 1227 535, Box 2
A companion for communicants Discourses upon the nature, the design, and the subject of the Lords Supper; with devout methods of preparing for, and approaching to that blessed ordinance. / |
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Microfiche 1227 537, Box 2
The present state of New-England Considered in a discourse on the necessities and advantages of a public spirit in every man; especially, at such a time as this. Made at the lecture in Boston 20.d. 1.m. 1690. Upon the news of an invasion by bloody Indians and French-men, begun upon us. / |
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Microfiche 1227 538, Box 2
The serviceable man A discourse made unto the General Court of the Massachusetts colony, New-England, at the anniversary election 28d. 3m. 1690. / |
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