Microfiche 1227 5203, Box 18
The Holy Scriptures the compleat and only rule of religious faith & practice Shewn in a discourse, which is now made publick, with a view to its being of extensive service. / |
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Microfiche 1227 5204, Box 18
Illustrissimo ac sublimi virtute, optimaque eruditione, ornatissimo viro Gulielmo Shirley ... Theses hasce ... Collegio Harvardino ... Habita in comitiis academicis Cantabrigiæ Nov-Anglorum, pridie nonarum quintilis. Anno MDCCXLIII. |
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Microfiche 1227 5205, Box 18
Mistisches und kirchliches Zeuchnüss der Brüderschaft in Zion, von dem wichtigsten Puncten des Christenthums nebst einem Anhang darinnen dieselbe ihr unpartheyisches Bedencken an Tag gibt von dem Bekehrungs-Werck der sogenanten Herrenhutischen Gemeine in Pennsylvanien, in warum man ihnen keine Kirche zustehen könne. |
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Microfiche 1227 5206, Box 18
Schrifftmässiges Zeuchnüss von dem himmlischen und jungfräulichen Gebährungs-Werck wie es an dem ersten Adam ist mit Fleisch zugeschlossen, aber an dem zweyten Adam bey seiner Creutzigung durch einen Speer wiederum geöffnet worden. : Entgegen gesetzt dem gantz ungegründeten Vorgeben der Herrenhuthischen Gemeine von einem heiligen Ehestand, daraus sie das Ebenbild Gottes auszugebähren vorgeben. / |
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Microfiche 1227 5209, Box 18
The faithful minister the glory of Christ Exhibited in a sermon deliver'd at the ordination of the Reverend Daniel Emerson, to the pastoral care of the Second Church of Christ in Dunstable. / |
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Microfiche 1227 5210, Box 18
Der Hoch-deutsch americanische Calender, auf das Jahr nach der gnadenreichen Geburt unsers Herrn und Heylandes Jesu Christi 1744 ... Eingerichtet auf die Sonne-Höhe von 40 Graden, und zwar vor Pennsylvanien: jedoch an denen angrentzenden Landen ohne mercklichen Unterschied zugebrauchen. : Zum sechsten Mal heraus gebeben. |
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Microfiche 1227 5213, Box 18
Ernst Christoph Hochmanns von Hochenau Glaubensbekenntniss geschrieben aus seinem Arrest, auff dem Hoch-Gräfl. Lippisch. Schloss Detmold, samt einer an die Juden gehaltenen Rede. : Auf gnädige Verordnung seiner Hoch-Gräfl. Excell. des regierenden Herrn Graffen zu der Lippe im Jahr 1702 gedruckt, und 1703 wieder aufgelegt, und nun mit einer kurtzen Vorrede begleithet. |
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Microfiche 1227 5214, Box 18
The poor doubting Christian drawn to Christ Wherein the main hindrances, which keep men from coming to Christ, are discovered. : With special helps to recover God's favour. / |
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Microfiche 1227 5216, Box 18
The Treaty held with the Indians of the Six Nations, at Philadelphia, in July, 1742 |
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Microfiche 1227 5217, Box 18
An Enquiry into the state of the bills of credit of the province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-England in a letter from a gentleman in Boston to a merchant in London. |
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Microfiche 1227 5218, Box 18
The Interest of New-Jersey considered, with regard to trade and navigation, by laying of duties, &c |
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Microfiche 1227 5220, Box 18
An introduction to the study of philosophy exhibiting a general view of all the arts and sciences, for the use of pupils. : With a catalogue of some of the most valuable authors necessary to be read in order to instruct them in a thorough knowlege of each of them. / |
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Microfiche 1227 5222, Box 18
The American almanack for the year of Christian account, 1744 ... Fitted to the latitude of 40 degrees, and a meridian of five hours west from London, but may, without sensible error serve all adjacent places from Newfoundland to South-Carolina. / |
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Microfiche 1227 5223, Box 18
The American almanack for the year 1744 ... Fitted to the latitude of 40 degrees, and a meridian of five hours west from London, but may, without sensible error serve all adjacent places from New-foundland to South-Carolina. / |
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Microfiche 1227 5224, Box 18
A Letter from a gentleman in Scotland, to his friend in New-England Containing an account of Mr. Whitefield's reception and conduct in Scotland, the two visits he made there; and also of the work at Cambuslang, and other parts: wherein many mistakes, relating to these things, that have been formerly and lately transmitted to this country, are rectified, and the whole affair set in a true and impartial light. : The following letter is written in so masterly a way, with such elegance of thought, and Christian temper, that it will sufficiently recommend it self to every candid and ingenuous reader; and there is no need to acquaint the world, either by whom, or to whom, it was written. Wisdom is justified of her children. |
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Microfiche 1227 5226, Box 18
Jacob Lischys reformirten Predigers Declaration seines Sinnes. An seine Reformirte Religions-Genossen in Pennsylvanien |
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Microfiche 1227 5227, Box 18
A letter concerning toleration |
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Microfiche 1227 5228, Box 18
God glorified in his works, of providence and grace A remarkable instance of it, in the various and signal deliverances, that evidently appear to be wrought for Mrs. Mercy Wheeler, in Plainfield; lately restored from extreme impotence and long confinement. : Published at the desire of many. / |
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Microfiche 1227 5229, Box 18
God glorified in his works, of providence and grace A remarkable instance of it, in the various and signal deliverances, that evidently appear to be wrought for Mrs. Mercy Wheeler, in Plainfield; lately restored from extreme impotence and long confinement. : Published at the desire of many. / |
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Microfiche 1227 5230, Box 18
Humble importunity and faith, victorious over all discouragements A sermon, preach'd at Plainfield, June 14. 1743. Soon after the remarkable deliverance of Mrs Mercy Wheeler (there) from long confinement and impotency. : Published at the desire of some that heard it. / |
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