Call Number (LC) Title Results
Microfiche 1227 5181, Box 18 Satan stripp'd of his angelic robe Being an abridgement of the substance of several sermons preached at Philadelphia, January 1742-3. From 2 Thess. ii. 11, 12. Shewing the strength, nature and symptoms of delusion. : With an application to the Moravians. / 1
Microfiche 1227 5182, Box 18 The marrow of modern divinity Touching the covenant of works, and the covenant of grace: with their use and end, both in the time of the Old Testament, and in the time of the New. Clearly describing the way to eternal life by Jesus Christ. In a dialogue betwixt Evangelista, a minister of the Gospel. Nomista, a legalist. Antinomista, an antinomian. And, Neophytus, a young Christian. / 1
Microfiche 1227 5183, Box 18 The cursed death of the cross, described, and comfortably improved Wherein is opened, the nature & quality of the death Christ died upon the cross. / 1
Microfiche 1227 5184, Box 18 The teachings of God opened, in their nature and necessity 1
Microfiche 1227 5185, Box 18 The fulfilling of the Scripture. Or An essay shewing the exact accomplishment of the word of God, in his works performed and to be performed For confirming of believers, and convincing atheists of the present time: containing some rare histories of the works and servants of God in the Church of Scotland. / 1
Microfiche 1227 5186, Box 18 Instructions for right spelling, and plain directions for reading and writing true English With several delightful things, very useful and necessary, both for young and old, to read and learn. / 1
Microfiche 1227 5187, Box 18 "Give us but light." Letter from Dr. Franklin to the Rev. George Whitfield [sic], dated Philadelphia, June 4, 1743. 1
Microfiche 1227 5188, Box 18 A Pocket almanack for the year 1744 Fitted to the use of Pennsylvania, and the neighbouring provinces. With several useful additions. / 1
Microfiche 1227 5189, Box 18 Poor Richard, 1744. An almanack for the year of Christ 1744 ... Fitted to the latitude of forty degrees, and a meridian of five hours west from London, but may without sensible error, serve all the adjacent places, even from Newfoundland to South-Carolina. / 1
Microfiche 1227 5190, Box 18 A proposal for promoting useful knowledge among the British plantations in America 1
Microfiche 1227 5191, Box 18 A letter to the Reverend Mr. Nathanael Eells, moderator of the late convention of pastors in Boston containing some remarks on their printed testimony against several errors and disorders in the land. / 1
Microfiche 1227 5192, Box 18 A letter to the Reverend Mr. Nathanael Eells, moderator of the late convention of pastors in Boston containing some remarks on their printed testimony against several errors and disorders in the land. / 1
Microfiche 1227 5193, Box 18 De onbekende God, of Een kort ende eenvoudig bericht, hoe veele die den naam hebben, dat sy leven, met alle haare plichten en godsdiestigheden, eeren en dienen eenen God dien se noch kennen noch beminnen Aangetoont in een trouwhertige verklaaringe en toepassinge over Handlingen xvii. 23. [Four lines] Gepredikt de 22 Aug. 1742, in de Kerke van Nieuw-Town op 't Lang Island. / 1
Microfiche 1227 5194, Box 18 A Confession of faith, put forth by the elders and brethren of many congregations of Christians (baptized upon profession of their faith) in London and the country Adopted by the Baptist Association met at Philadelphia, Sept. 25. 1742.: To which are added, two articles viz. of imposition of hands, and singing of psalms in publick worship. : Also a short treatise of church discipline. : [Three lines of Scripture texts] 1
Microfiche 1227 5197, Box 18 A sermon preached at Finnick, in August, 1662 1
Microfiche 1227 5198, Box 18 The danger of an unqualified ministry represented in a sermon, preached at Ashford, in the colony of Connecticut, Sept. 7th. 1743. And now printed at the earnest desire of the hearers. / 1
Microfiche 1227 5199, Box 18 A discourse upon the good work Delivered at the monthly Tuesday lecture in Pembrook, September 7th. 1742. : And now published at the earnest desire of the hearers. / 1
Microfiche 1227 5200, Box 18 The examiner, or Gilbert against Tennent Containing a confutation of the Reverend Mr. Gilbert Tennent and his adherents: extracted chiefly from his own writings, and formed upon his own plan of comparing the Moravian principles, with the standard of orthodoxy, in distinct columns. : Together with some strictures on the preface to the Rev. Mr. Tennent's Five sermons and appendix lately published, and subscribed by six reverend ministers of Boston. : The whole being an essay towards answering three important queries, viz. 1. What is truth in the present religious commotions in this land? 2. What is the shortest method of finding the whole truth? 3. Whether such as are given to change, ought not in conscience to make their publick retractations, according to St. Austin? : The whole essay is submitted to the judgment of common sense. / 1
Microfiche 1227 5201, Box 18 The examiner, or Gilbert against Tennent Containing a confutation of the Reverend Mr. Gilbert Tennent, and his adherents: extracted chiefly from his own writings, and formed upon his own plan of comparing the Moravian principles, with the standard of orthodoxy, in distinct columns. : Together with some strictures on the preface to the Rev. Mr. Tennent's Five sermons and appendix lately published, and subscribed by six reverend ministers of Boston. : The whole being an essay towards answering three important queries, viz. 1. What is truth in the present religious commotions in this land? 2. What is the shortest method of finding the whole truth? 3. Whether such as are given to change, ought not in conscience to make their publick retractations, according to St. Austin? : The whole essay is submitted to the judgment of common sense. / 1
Microfiche 1227 5202, Box 18 An expostulatory and pacifick letter by way of reply to the Revd Mr. Gee's letter of remarks, on the printed testimony of the late convention of pastors in Boston, against several errors and disorders in the land: address'd to the Revd Mr. Nathanael Eells their moderator. / 1