Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
Microfiche 1227 44, Box 1 | An almanack for the year of our Lord 1657 ... Calculated for the longitude of 315 gr: and 42 gr: 30 min: of n. lat: and may generally serve for the most part of New-England. / | 1 |
Microfiche 1227 45, Box 1 | The watering of the olive plant in Christs garden. Or A short catechism for the first entrance of our Chelmesford children enlarged by a three-fold appendix / | 1 |
Microfiche 1227 47, Box 1 | A farewel exhortation to the church and people of Dorchester in New-England But not unusefull to any others, that shall heedfully read and improve the same, : as containing Christian and serious incitements, and preswasions to the study and practise of seven principal dutyes of great importance for the glory of God, and the salvation of the soul, and therefore needfull to be seriously considered of all in these declining times. / | 1 |
Microfiche 1227 48, Box 1 | A copy of verses made by that Reverend man of God Mr. John Wilson, Pastor to the First Church in Boston on the sudden death of Mr. Joseph Brisco, who was translated from earth to heaven Jan. 1. 1657 [i.e., 1658, N.S.] | 1 |
Microfiche 1227 52, Box 1 | Some helps for the Indians shewing them how to improve their natural reason, to know the true God, and the true Christian religion. 1. By leading them to see the divine authority of the Scriptures. 2. By the Scriptures the divine truths necessary to eternal salvation. : Undertaken at the motion, and published by the order of the Commissioners of the United Colonies. / | 1 |
Microfiche 1227 53, Box 1 | Some helps for the Indians shewing them how to improve their natural reason, to know the true God, and the true Christian religion. 1. By leading them to see the divine authority of the Scriptures. 2. By the Scriptures the divine truths necessary to eternal salvation. : Undertaken at the motion, and published by the order of the Commissioners of the United Colonies. / | 1 |
Microfiche 1227 54, Box 1 | An almanack of the coelestial motions for this present year of the Christian aera 1659 ... Fitted to 315 degrees of longitude, the (supposed) meridian of the Massachusets Bay, where the pole artique is elevated 42 gr: and 30 min: and may without any sensible errour be applyed to any part of New-England. / | 1 |
Microfiche 1227 55, Box 1 | An humble proposal, for the inlargement of university learning in New England, by the trustees hereafter named, to whom the management of this affair is committed | 1 |
Microfiche 1227 56, Box 1 | The heart of N-England rent at the blasphemies of the present generation. Or a brief tractate concerning the doctrine of the Quakers demonstrating the destructive nature thereof, to religion, the churches, and the state, with consideration of the remedy against it. Occasional satisfaction to objections, and confirmation of the contrary trueth. / | 1 |
Microfiche 1227 57, Box 1 | An almanack for the year of our Lord 1660 ... Calculated for the longitude of 315 gr: and 42 gr: 30 min: of n: lat: and they generally serve for the most part of New-England. / | 1 |
Microfiche 1227 58, Box 1 | Christiane oonoowae sampoowaonk = A Christian covenanting canfession [sic] | 1 |
Microfiche 1227 59, Box 1 | Quæstiones in philosophia discutiendæ, sub Carolo Chauncao S.S. Theol: Bac: præside Col: Harvard: Cantabrigiæ, Nov-Angl: in comitiis, per inceptores in artibus, decimo-quarto die sextilis 1660. | 1 |
Microfiche 1227 60, Box 1 | The book of the general lavves and libertyes concerning the inhabitants of the Massachusets collected out of the records of the General Court, for the several years wherin they were made and established. And now revised by the same Court, and disposed into an alphabetical order, and published by the same authority in the General Court holden at Boston, in May 1649. : [Two lines from Romans] | 1 |
Microfiche 1227 63, Box 1 | A brief catechisme containing the doctrine of Godlines [sic], or of living unto God. / | 1 |
Microfiche 1227 66, Box 1 | An almanack for the year of our Lord 1661 ... Rectified to the longitude of 315 gr: and 42 gr: 30 min. of n. lat: and may generally serve for the most part of New-England. / | 1 |
Microfiche 1227 67, Box 1 | A short catechism | 1 |
Microfiche 1227 68, Box 1 | Propositions concerning the subject of baptism and consociation of churches collected and confirmed out of the Word of God, by a synod of elders and messengers of the churches in Massachusetts-Colony in New-England. Assembled at Boston, according to appointment of the Honoured General Court, in the year 1662. : At a General Court held at Boston in New-England the 8th of October, 1662. The Court having read over this result of the Synod, judge meet to commend the same unto the consideration of all the churches and people of this jurisdiction; and for that end do order the printing thereof. By the Court. Edward Rawson. Secret' | 1 |
Microfiche 1227 69, Box 1 | An almanack for the year of our Lord 1662. ... Rectifyed for the longitude of 315 gr.and 42 gr: of New-England latit. : [One line of Latin text] / | 1 |
Microfiche 1227 72, Box 1 |
The Holy Bible containing the Old Testament and the New. / The New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ |
2 |
Microfiche 1227 76, Box 1 | An almanack of the coelestial motions for the year of the Christian aera 1663. ... Fitted to New-England longitude 315 gr. and latitude 42 d. 30 m. / | 1 |