Call Number (LC) Title Results
Microfiche 1227 724, Box 3 Johannes in eremo Memoirs, relating to the lives, of the ever-memorable, Mr. John Cotton, who dyed, 23.d. 10.m. 1652. Mr. John Norton, who dyed, 5.d. 2.m. 1663. Mr. John Wilson, who dyed, 7.d. 6.m. 1667. Mr. John Davenport, who dyed, 15.d. 1.m. 1670. Reverend and renowned ministers of the Gospel, all, in the more immediate service of one church, in Boston; and Mr. Thomas Hooker, who dyed, 7.d. 5.m. 1647. Pastor of the church at Hartford; New-England. / 1
Microfiche 1227 725, Box 3 Memoria Wilsoniana. Or, Some dues unto the memory of the truly Reverend & renowned Mr. John Wilson, the first Pastor of Boston: who expired August. 7. 1667. Aged, 79 1
Microfiche 1227 726, Box 3 Observanda The life and death of the late Q. Mary. : Prefaced, with some observations upon the turns of divine Providence, now bringing of mighty changes, upon the world. : Whereto is added, the address of condolenee [sic], made unto His Majesty, by the nonconformist ministers, on the decease of that illustrious queen. 1
Microfiche 1227 728, Box 3 Solemn advice to young men not to walk in the wayes of their heart, and in the sight of their eyes; but to remember the Day of Judgment. / 1
Microfiche 1227 729, Box 3 The answer of several ministers in and near Boston, to that case of conscience, whether it is lawful for a man to marry his wives own sister? 1
Microfiche 1227 730, Box 3 Truth held forth and maintained according to the testimony of the holy prophets, Christ and his apostles recorded in the Holy Scriptures With some account of the judgements of the Lord lately inflicted upon New-England by witch craft. : To which is added, something concerning the fall of Adam, his state in the fall, and way of restoration to God again, with many other weighty things, necessary for people to weigh and consider. / 1
Microfiche 1227 731, Box 3 The fifth Assembly, first sessions beginning the 20th day of June, and ending the 4th of July, anno regni Regis Gulielmi, Angliae, Scotiae, Franciae & Hiberniae, septimo. 1
Microfiche 1227 732, Box 3 The sixth Assembly, first sessions beginning the first day of October, and ending the 26th of the same, anno regni Regis Gulielmi, Angliae, Scotiae, Franciae & Hiberniae, septimo. 1
Microfiche 1227 733, Box 3 By His Excellency Benjamin Fletcher, captain general and governour in chief of Their Majesties province of New-York ... A proclamation[.] Whereas I have found the detaching of the inhabitants of this province, for defence of the fronteers, hath been a grievous burthen ... Given at Fort William Henry the two and twentieth day of April, 1695. Annoq; regni Regis & Reginae, Gulielmi & Mariae, Angliae, &c. septimo. 1
Microfiche 1227 734, Box 3 By His Excellency Benjamin Fletcher, captain general and governour in chief of the province of New-York ... A proclamation[.] Whereas I am informed that there are French privateers coming upon this coast, I have ordered His Majesty's ship, the Richmond, to cruise, for the defence of this province. ... Dated the sixth day of June ... annoq; Domini 1695. 1
Microfiche 1227 735, Box 3 A journal of the House of Representatives for His Majesties province of New-York in America begun the 20th day of June, in the seventh year of His Majesties reign, annoq; Dom. 1695. 1
Microfiche 1227 738, Box 3 Mrs. Judith Hull, of Boston, in N.E. daughter of Mr. Edmund Quincey; late wife of John Hull Esq. deceased 1
Microfiche 1227 739, Box 3 Mans extremity, Gods opportunity. Or, A display of Gods sovereign grace, in saving a people whose recovery, as to men and means is next to desperate as it was delivered in a sermon preached before the Honourable lieutenant governour, & counsellors, and the assembly of representatives of the province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England. On May 29. 1695. Which was the day for election of counsellors for that province. / 1
Microfiche 1227 740, Box 3 An almanack for the year of our Lord, MDCXCV ... Calculated for and fitted to the meridian of Boston in New-England, where the North Pole is elevated 42 gr. 30 min. But may indifferently serve any part of New-England. / 1
Microfiche 1227 741, Box 3 Anno regni Gulielmi III. regis. Angliae, Scotiae, Franciae & Hiberniae, septimo & octavo At the Parliament begun at Westminster the two and twentieth day of November, anno Dom. 1695. In the seventh year of the reign of our sovereign Lord William the Third, by the grace of God, of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, &c. 1
Microfiche 1227 743, Box 3 A journal of what passed in the expedition of His Excellency Col. Benjamin Fletcher, captain general and governour in chief of the province of New-York, &c. to Albany, to renew the covenant chain with the five canton nations of Indians, the Mohaques, Oneydes, Onondages, C[...]es and Sinnekes 1
Microfiche 1227 744, Box 3 An almanack for the year of Christian account 1696 ... chiefly accomodated to the latitude of 40 degrees, and longitude of about 73 west from London ... / 1
Microfiche 1227 745, Box , Box 3 A letter of advice to a young gentleman leaving the university concerning his behaviour and conversation in the world 1
Microfiche 1227 747, Box 3 Acts and laws, passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of His Majesties province of the Massachusetts-Bay, in New-England Begun & held at Boston the twenty-ninth day of May, 1695. And continued by several adjournments until Wednesday the twenty-sixth of February following. Anno regni Guilielmi tertii, Angliae, Scotiae, Franciae, et Hiberniae, regis, octavo. 1
Microfiche 1227 748, Box 3 Acts and laws, passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of His Majesties province of the Massachusetts-Bay, in New-England Begun and held at Boston on Wednesday the twenty-seventh of May, 1696. Anno regni Guilielmi tertii, Angliae, Scotiae, Franciae, et Hiberniae, regis, octavo. 1