Microfiche 1227 8274, Box 27
The journal of the House of Burgesses MDCCLVIII. Being the fourth session of this present General Assembly. |
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Microfiche 1227 8275, Box 27
The journal of the House of Burgesses MDCCLVIII. Being the first session of this present General Assembly. |
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Microfiche 1227 8276, Box 27
The journal of the House of Burgesses |
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Microfiche 1227 8277, Box 27
The speech of the Honourable Francis Fauquier, Esq; His Majesty's lieutenant-governour, and commander in chief of the colony and dominion of Virginia: to the General Assembly summoned to be held at the capitol, in the city of Williamsburg, on Thursday the 14th of September, in the 32d year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord George II. by the grace of God, of Great-Britain, France, and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, &c. and in the year of our Lord 1758: and from thence continued by several prorogations, to Monday the 6th of October, in the 34th year of His Majesty's reign, and in the year of our Lord 1760; and then held at the capitol, in the city of Williamsburg; being the seventh session of this General-Assembly. |
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Microfiche 1227 8279, Box 27
The great Scots prophet; or Some remarkable passages of the life and death of Mr. Alexander Peden; late Minister of the Gospel at New Glenluce in Galloway Singular for piety, zeal and faithfulness, but especially, who exceeded all to be heard of in our late ages in that gift of foreseeing of events, and fore-telling what was to befal the church and nation of Scotland and Ireland, particular families and persons, and of his own life and death. : [Four lines from Judges] |
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Microfiche 1227 8282, Box 27
Father Abraham's almanack, (on an entire new plan.) For the year of our Lord, 1759 ... To which is added, an exact and nice representation of His Majesty the King of Prussia, done on a folio copper plate ... Likewise, an exact plan of Louisbourg, with a succinct account ... / |
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Microfiche 1227 8283, Box 27
The winter evening conversation vindicated against the remarks of the Rev. Mr. Peter Clark of Danvers. In a piece intitled, A summer morning's conversation, &c. : Wherein the principal arguments in said piece, from Scripture, reason and antiquity, are considered, and shown to be of no validity. / |
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Microfiche 1227 8284, Box 27
The charter, transfer, and statutes, of the College of William and Mary, in Virginia: in Latin and English |
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Microfiche 1227 8285, Box 27
The redeemed captive, returning to Zion A faithful history of remarkable occurrences, in the captivity and deliverance, of Mr. John Williams; Minister of the Gospel in Deerfield, who, in the desolation which befel that plantation, by an incursion of the French and Indians, was by them carried away, with his family, and his neighbourhood, unto Canada. / |
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Microfiche 1227 8286, Box 27
Præclarissimo, optima eruditione, vitæ integritate, omnique felicissimé gubernandi ratione instructissimo viro, Thomæ Fitch ... hasce theses ... Collegio-Yalensi ... Habita in commitiis [sic] Novo-Portu Connecticutensium, die decimo tertio Septembris, MDCCLVIII. |
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Microfiche 1227 8288, Box 27
To the publick The booksellers of the town of Boston, unwilling to impose on the publick by printing their private disputes in the news-papers, and at the same time ... desirous of making their answer to Dr. Ames, as public as the nature of the case would admit of. |
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Microfiche 1227 8289, Box 27
The expediency and utility of war, in the present state of things, considered a discourse before, and at the desire of the Ancient and Honourable Artillery-Company, at Boston, June 4. 1759; being the anniversary of their election of officers: and, in the audience of His Excellency the governor, his Honour the lieutenant-governor, and the Honourable His Majesty's Council of the Province of the Massachusetts-Bay. / |
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Microfiche 1227 8290, Box 27
Songs of victory directed by human compassion, and qualified with Christian benevolence in a sermon delivered at Roxbury, October 25, 1759. On the general thanksgiving, for the success of His Majety's arms, "more particuarlly [sic], in the reduction of Quebec, the capital of Canada." / |
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Microfiche 1227 8291, Box 27
The Universal American almanack: or, Yearly astronomical magazine Fitted to the lat: of 40 degrees and a meridian of near five hours west from London; but may without sensible error, serve all the northern colonies. : For the year of our Lord, 1760. ... / |
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Microfiche 1227 8292, Box 27
An astronomical diary, or, An almanack for the year of our Lord Christ 1760 ... Calculated for the meridian of Boston, New-England, latitude 42 degrees 25 minutes north. : The year of the reign of King George the Second begins the twenty-second day of June. / |
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Microfiche 1227 8294, Box 27
An astronomical diary, or, An almanack for the year of our Lord Christ, 1760 ... Calculated for the meridian of Boston, New-England, latitude 42 degrees 25 minutes north. ... / |
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Microfiche 1227 8295, Box 27
An astronomical diary, or, An almanack for the year of our Lord Christ 1760 ... Calculated for the meridian of Boston, New-England latitude 42 degrees 25 minutes north. : The year of the reign of King George the Second, begins the twenty-second day of June. / |
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Microfiche 1227 8296, Box 27
[The lady's preceptor. Or, A letter to a young lady of distinction upon politeness |
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Microfiche 1227 8297, Box 27
Theron, Paulinus, and Aspasio. Or, Letters and dialogues, upon the nature of love to God, faith in Christ, assurance of a title to eternal life Containing some remarks on the sentiments of the Revd. Messieurs Hervey and Marshal, on these subjects. : Published at the request of many-- / |
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Microfiche 1227 8298, Box 27
Observations on the inslaving, importing and purchasing of Negroes with some advice thereon extracted form [sic] the Yearly Meeting epistle of London for the present year : also some remarks on the absolute necessity of self-denial, renouncing the world, and true charity for all such as sincerely desire to be our blessed Saviour's disciples. |
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