Call Number (LC) Title Results
Microfiche 1227 8789, Box 29 The constitution of a Christian church illustrated in a sermon at the opening of Christ-Church in Cambridge on Thursday 15 October, MDCCLXI. / 1
Microfiche 1227 8793, Box 29 The true divinity of Jesus Christ evidenced in a discourse at the public lecture in Boston, the day after the commencement, July 16, 1761. And published at the desire of the hearers. / 1
Microfiche 1227 8794, Box 29 A letter to Scripturista containing some remarks on his answer to Paulinus's three questions: wherein the nature of a test of orthodoxy is exactly stated; the church's right to know and judge of the religious principles of those who are admitted to sealing ordinances, and reject the erroneous, is asserted; and the practice of our churches in New-England, from their first settlement in this country, vindicated. And also three questions more, relative to the new way of taking persons in the church, lately introduced at Wallingford, by Mr. Dana, stated: with a desire they may be answered by Scripturista, in his next letter to his friend Paulinus. : [Two lines of Scripture texts] 1
Microfiche 1227 8795, Box 29 The New-England psalter: or, Psalms of David with the Proverbs of Solomon, and Christ's Sermon on the mount. : Being an introduction for the training up children in the reading of the Holy Scriptures. 1
Microfiche 1227 8796, Box 29 The New-England psalter: or, Psalms of David with the Proverbs of Solomon, and Christ's Sermon on the mount. : Being an introduction for the training up children in the reading of the Holy Scriptures. 1
Microfiche 1227 8797, Box 29 The Psalms of David, imitated in the language of the New Testament, and apply'd to the Christian state and worship 1
Microfiche 1227 8798, Box 29 The Psalms of David, imitated in the language of the New Testament, and applied to the Christian state and worship 1
Microfiche 1227 8799, Box 29 Das Neue Testament unsers Herrn und Heylandes Jesu Christi 1
Microfiche 1227 8800, Box 29 The successful preacher a sermon delivered at the forks of Brandywine April 22, 1761. At the ordination of the Reverend Mr. John Carmichael, : published at the request of the congregation. / 1
Microfiche 1227 8801, Box 29 An oration pronounced at Nassau-Hall, January 14, 1761, on occasion of the death of His Late Majesty King George II 1
Microfiche 1227 8802, Box 29 A relation of the opposition which some Baptist people met with at Norwich, 1761, by the authority and minister when they went above ten miles to confer with the people between their meeting about the things of God, upon which opposition they went in the middle of the week on purpose to desire said minister to appoint a day to discourse with them before the people. 1
Microfiche 1227 8806, Box 29 A sermon preach'd May 20th 1761 At the ordination of the Reverend Mr. Eliab Stone, to the pastoral care of the Second Church in Reading. / 1
Microfiche 1227 8808, Box 29 The excellence and importance of the saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ in the Gospel-preacher, plainly and seriously represented and enforced: and Christ preached to the gentiles in obedience to the call of God A sermon, preached at East-Hampton, August 29, 1759; at the ordination of Mr. Samson Occum [i.e., Occom], a missionary among the Indians. / 1
Microfiche 1227 8809, Box 29 The vanity of every man at his best estate A funeral sermon on the Honorable William Dummer, Esq. late lieutenant governor and commander in chief, over the province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-England, who died October 10, 1761. Aged 84 years. / 1
Microfiche 1227 8811, Box 29 Joyfulness and consideration; or The duties of prosperity and adversity A sermon preached at King's-Chapel, in Boston, before His Excellency Francis Bernard, Esq; captain-general and governor in chief, the Honourable His Majesty's Council and House of Representatives, of the province of the Massachusetts-Bay, in New-England, January 1, 1761. Upon occasion of the death of our late most gracious Sovereign King George the Second. / 1
Microfiche 1227 8814, Box 29 Remarks on the late printed Answer to Colonel Choate's Reasons of dissent from the judgement of a council, in the affair of the Rev. Mr. Bachellor, of Haverhill wherein the weakness, inconsistencies and errors of that answer are exposed, and the author shewn to have overthrown and confounded himself, in a variety of ways and instances. / 1
Microfiche 1227 8816, Box 29 An answer to an anonymous pamphlet intituled a Reply to Col. Clapp's vindication 1
Microfiche 1227 8817, Box 29 Christ's mission of the seventy, illustrated and improved in a sermon preaced at the ordination of the Reverend Mr. Josiah Bridge, to the pastoral care of the First Church of Christ in Sudbury, Nov. 4, 1761. / 1
Microfiche 1227 8819, Box 29 The conduct of the Presbyterian-ministers, who sent the letter to the Archbishop of Canterbury, the year 1760, considered, and set in true light in answer to some remarks thereon. : In a letter to a friend. / 1
Microfiche 1227 8820, Box 29 Acts and laws, passed by the General Court or Assembly of His Majesty's English colony of Connecticut, in New England, in America holden at Hartford, in said colony, on the second Thursday of May, (being the fourteenth day of said month,) in the first year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Third, King of Great-Britain, &c. Annoq; Dom. 1761. 1