Microfiche 1227 960, Box 4
The fountain opened: or, The great Gospel priviledge of having Christ exhibited to sinfull men Wherein also is proved that there shall be a national calling of the Jews : From Zech. XIII. 1. / |
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Microfiche 1227 961, Box 4
Love's pedigree. Or A discourse shewing the grace of love in a believer to be of a divine original delivered in a sermon preached at the lecture in Boston, Febr. 29. 1699[/]1700. / |
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Microfiche 1227 962, Box 4
Morality not to be relied on for life. Or, A brief discourse, discovering the one thing wanting, which leaves the legalist short of life eternal Delivered in a sermon on the lecture in Boston, May, 23d. 1700. / |
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Microfiche 1227 963, Box 4
The peril of the times displayed. Or The danger of mens taking up with a form of godliness, but denying the power of it Being the substance of several sermons preached: / |
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Microfiche 1227 964, Box 4
A remedy against despair. Or Brief discourse wherein great sinners are encouraged, and directed how to improve the consideration of the greatness of their sins in praying to God for pardon Being the substance of two sermons preached at the lecture in Boston, 1699. / |
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Microfiche 1227 965, Box 4
The truly blessed man: or, The way to be happy here, and for ever being the substance of divers sermons preached on, Psalm XXXII. / |
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Microfiche 1227 967, Box 4
Gospel order revived being an answer to a book lately set forth by the Reverend Mr. Increase Mather, president of Harvard College, &c. Entituled, The order of the Gospel, &c. Dedicated to the Churches of Christ in New-England. / |
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Microfiche 1227 968, Box 4
The singular happiness of such heads or rulers, as are able to choose out their peoples way, and will also endeavor their peoples comfort As it was discoursed in a brief sermon preached to the Great & General Assembly of the province of the Massachusetts Bay, convened at Boston in N. England, on May 28th. 1701. The stated day for their anniversary election of counsellors. / |
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Microfiche 1227 969, Box 4
A platform of church-discipline gathered out of the Word of God; and agreed upon by the elders and messengers of the churches assembled in the Synod at Cambridge in N.E. : To be presented to the churches & General Court for their consideration & acceptance in the Lord, the 8th. month, anno. 1649. : [Eight lines from Psalms] |
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Microfiche 1227 970, Box 4
Clough, 1702. The New-England almanack for the year of our Lord, MDCCII. ... Calculated for the meridian of Boston in N.E. whose lat. is found by late observations to be nearest 42. gr 24 min. but may indifferently serve any part of N E. / |
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Microfiche 1227 971, Box 4
Military discipline The compleat souldier, or expert artillery-man ... : To which is added, the duties of all the officers, in a private company: as also the military law of the province of the Massachusetts-Bay ... / |
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Microfiche 1227 972, Box 4
Gospel family-order being a short discurse [sic] concerning the ordering of families, both of whites, blacks and Indians. : [Twelve lines of Scripture texts] / |
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Microfiche 1227 973, Box 4
Time and the end of time in two discourses; the first about redemption of time; the second about consideration of our latter end. / |
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Microfiche 1227 974, Box 4
An epistle to the Quarterly and Monthly-Meeting of Friends in Pennsylvania, and West and East-Jersey from our Yearly-Meeting in Philadelphia held the 24th and 25th days, of the 7th month 1701. |
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Microfiche 1227 975, Box 4
Some few remarks upon a scandalous book, against the government and ministry of New-England, written, by one Robert Calef Detecting the unparrallel'd malice & falsehood, of the said book; and defending the names of several particular gentlemen, by him therein aspersed & abused. / |
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Microfiche 1227 976, Box 4
The printer's advertisement Whereas there is prefixed unto a late pamphlet entituled, Gospel order revived, printed at New York, an advertisement. |
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Microfiche 1227 977, Box 4
The Christian's great interest. Or, A short treatise, divided into two parts The first whereof, containeth te [sic] tryal of a saving interest in Christ. The second, pointeth forth plainly te [sic] way how to attain it: : Wherein somewhat is likewise spoken to the manner of express covenanting with God. / |
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Microfiche 1227 978, Box 4
A testimony, to the order of the Gospel, in the churches of New-England |
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Microfiche 1227 980, Box 4
Mr. George Keith's account of a national church, and the clergy, &c Humbly presented to the Bishop of London: : with some queries concerning the sacrament. |
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Microfiche 1227 982, Box 4
News of a strumpet co-habiting in the wilderness or, A brief abstract of the spiritual & carnal whoredoms & adulteries of the Quakers in America Delinated in a cage of twenty unclean birds. Purposely published in pitty to the Quakers, to let them see themselves as others see them, because in pag. 47. of their book, called, Satan's Harbinger, (lately printed at Philadelphia by the authority of their meeting of ministers) they pretend they know no such persons amongst them. Otherwise, 'tis more work for the Quakers to use their arts and imploy their press to prop up their two main pillars infallibility & perfection. : [One line of quotation] |
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