Microfiche 1227a no. 13306, Box 107
Examination of the passages in the New Testament, quoted from the Old and called prophecies concerning Jesus Christ to which is prefixed, an essay on dream, shewing by what operation of the mind a dream is produced in sleep, and applying the same to the account of dreams in the New Testament : with an appendix containing my private thoughts of a future state, and remarks on the contradictory doctrine in the books of Matthew and Mark / |
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Microfiche 1227a no. 13307, Box 107
Thomas Paine's three letters to Morgan Lewis, on his prosecution of Thomas Farmar |
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Microfiche 1227a no. 13308, Box 107
Miscellaneous writings on religious subjects together with some extracts from a diary : the whole written during six years lingering sickness, which she bore with Christian patience and resignation, when she died in a full assurance of a blessed immortality beyond the grave / |
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Microfiche 1227a no. 13309, Box 107
A compendious system of universal geography designed for schools : compiled from the latest and most distinguished European and American travellers, voyagers and geographers / |
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Microfiche 1227a no. 13310, Box 107
A sermon preached at the ordination of the Rev. David Thurston over the Church of Christ in Winthrop, February 18, 1807 / |
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Microfiche 1227a no. 13311, Box 107
A sermon, preached before the Massachusetts Missionary Society at their annual meeting, in Boston, May 26, 1807 / |
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Microfiche 1227a no. 13312, Box 107
Last night of Mrs. Warren's engagement on Monday Evening, the 2d March, 1807. |
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Microfiche 1227a no. 13313, Box 107
A funeral discourse, the substance of which was delivered in Cavendish, at the interment of Mrs. Esther Chaplin |
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Microfiche 1227a no. 13314, Box 107
A sermon delivered at Southborough, December 17, 1806 at the dedication of a new meeting-house / |
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Microfiche 1227a no. 13315, Box 107
Catalogue of books for sale, wholesale or retail, at the Troy Bookstore, sign of the Bible |
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Microfiche 1227a no. 13317, Box 107
A chymical catechism, or, The application of chymistry to the arts for the use of young people, artists, tradesmen and the amusement of leisure hours : to which are added a vocabualry of chymical terms, some useful tables, and a variety of amusing experiments / |
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Microfiche 1227a no. 13318, Box 107
The Parlour spelling-book |
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Microfiche 1227a no. 13321, Box 107
A sermon in the Second Congregational Church, Newport, November 9th, A.D. 1806 the Lord's Day succeeding the death of Miss Abigail Potter / |
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Microfiche 1227a no. 13324, Box 107
A sermon, delivered at Ashburnham, May 22, 1806 at the interment of Mr. John Cushing, Jun., who expired at the house of his father / |
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Microfiche 1227a no. 13327, Box 107
Fruits of solitude in reflections & maxims relating to the conduct of human life also his advice to his children relating to their civil and religious conduct / |
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Microfiche 1227a no. 13329, Box 107
An Act for Making an Artificial Road from the City of Philadelphia to the Borough of Lancaster |
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Microfiche 1227a no. 13330, Box 107
An Act for the Regulation of the Militia of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania |
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Microfiche 1227a no. 13332, Box 107
An Act of Incorporation for that Part of the Northern Liberties lying between the West of Sixth Street and the River Delaware and between Vine Street and Cohoksink Creek : with ordinances for the improvement of the same. |
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Microfiche 1227a no. 13333, Box 107
An Act to Authorize Robert Kennedy, his Mill-Race in and adjacent to the River of Schuylkill Near its Falls / |
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Microfiche 1227a no. 13334, Box 107
Acts of the General Assembly of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania passed at a session, which was begun and held at the borough of Lancaster, on Tuesday the second day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and six ... / |
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