Microfiche 1227a no. 14812, Box 117
Curtis's Pocket almanack and register of New-Hampshire for the year 1809 containing a list of the officers, executive, legislative, and judiciary. |
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Microfiche 1227a no. 14813, Box 117
A letter from Mr. Calvin Cushman, of Goshen, Massachusetts, to his brother, the Rev. Mr. Cushman, of Fairhaven Vt describing a most remarkable awakening in that and some of the adjacent towns : together with the views and exercises of his own mind. |
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Microfiche 1227a no. 14814, Box 117
An oration pronounced at Wiscasset, on the fourth of July, 1808, in commemoration of independence of the United States of America |
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Microfiche 1227a no. 14815, Box 117
An address to the people of the United States on the importance of encouraging agriculture and domestic manufactures ... together with an account of the improvements in sheep at Arlington, the native sheep of Smith's Island, and the plans proposed of extending this valuable race of animals for the benefit of the country at large / |
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Microfiche 1227a no. 14816, Box 117
Observations on the means of preserving the health of soldiers and sailors, and on the duties of the medical department of the army and navy with remarkds on hospitals and their internal arrangement / |
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Microfiche 1227a no. 14817, Box 117
Book-keeping, by the method of single entry for the use of young persons. |
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Microfiche 1227a no. 14819, Box 117
Sketches of the life of Joseph Mountain a Negro, who was executed at New-Haven, on the 20th day of October, 1790, for a rape, committed on the 26th day of May, 1790. |
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Microfiche 1227a no. 14822, Box 117
Analekta hellēnika meizona sive, Collectanea Graeca majora |
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Microfiche 1227a no. 14823, Box 117
Integrity explained and recommended, in a sermon preached at the North Meeting-House in Salem, at an association lecture, September 8, 1807 / |
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Microfiche 1227a no. 14824, Box 117
On the worth and loss of the soul a sermon delivered at Ipswich, on a day of prayer, Aug. 4, 1807 / |
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Microfiche 1227a no. 14827, Box 117
A discourse before the Humane Society, of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Boston, June 14, 1808 |
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Microfiche 1227a no. 14829, Box 117
A catalogue of fruit trees for sale, in the fall of 1808, by Daniel Smith and Company, at Burlington, state of New-Jersey, near Philadelphia |
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Microfiche 1227a no. 14830, Box 117
A picture of a Republican magistrate of the new school being a full length likeness of His Excellency Thomas Jefferson, president of the United States : to which is added, a short criticism on the characters of Mr. Madison, Mr. Clinton, and Mr. Pinckney / |
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Microfiche 1227a no. 14831, Box 117
Useful instruction for children, by way of question and answer in two parts / |
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Microfiche 1227a no. 14835, Box 117
Dean's Analytical guide to the art of penmanship containing a variety of plates in which are exhibited a complete system of practical penmanship ... : also, an historical account of the origin & progress of writing and printing / |
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Microfiche 1227a no. 14837, Box 117
Dean's modern round hand copies |
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Microfiche 1227a no. 14839, Box 117
Dean's Universal penman, or, A complete system of examples for writing, with accuracy and freedom containing six sets of copies in large text words, round text, round-hand, running hand and alphabets in all the useful and ornamental hands : with specimens of modern and approved forms used in transacting business / |
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Microfiche 1227a no. 14840, Box 117
An alphabetical atlas, or, Gazetteer of Vermont affording a summary description of the state, its several counties, towns and rivers : calculated to supply ... the place of a map, and designed for the use of offices, travellers, men of business, &c. / |
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Microfiche 1227a no. 14841, Box 117
The Death of Washington with some remarks on Jeffersonian policy. |
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Microfiche 1227a no. 14842, Box 117
The Death of Washington with some remarks on the Jeffersonian policy. |
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