Call Number (LC) Title Results
Microfiche 354 Cooper's journal or, Unfettered thinker and plain speaker for truth, freedom, and progress. 1
Microfiche 355 The crisis, or the change from error and misery, to truth and happiness 1
Microfiche 357 The Fleet papers 1
Microfiche 358 The Free enquirer 1
Microfiche 359 The Gauntlet 1
Microfiche 360 The Gorgon 1
Microfiche 362 The Labourer a monthly magazine of politics, literature, poetry, &c. 1
Microfiche 363 Lancashire and Yorkshire cooperator or, useful classes' advocate. 1
Microfiche 364 The Lion 1
Microfiche 365 The London co-operative magazine 1
Microfiche 366 The London phalanx 1
Microfiche 367 McDouall's chartist journal and trades' advocate
McDouall's chartist and republican journal
Microfiche 368 The Movement, anti-persecution gazette, and register of progress 1
Microfiche 369 The National a library for the people. 1
Microfiche 370 National reformer, and Manx weekly review of home and foreign affairs 1
Microfiche 371 New moral world 1
Microfiche 372 The Northern tribune a periodical for the people. 1
Microfiche 373 The People 1
Microfiche 374 Philanthropist 1
Microfiche 375 Pioneer or, Grand national consolidated trades' union magazine. 1