Microfilm 1389
L'Euterpe : opera musicale di madrigali, canzonette, arie, stanze, e scherzi diversi in dialoghi, & echo, a una, due, tre, et quattro voci, da cantarsi in theorba, arpicordo, & altri stromenti. |
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Microfilm 1392
Johannes Brassart and his works |
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Microfilm 1393
A history of the cadence in polyphonic vocal music through the fifteenth century |
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Microfilm 1395
The chansons of Claude Le Jeune |
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Microfilm 1396
A catalogue of the library of the late John Byrom |
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Microfilm 1397
The Ravenscroft Psalter (1621) the tunes, with a background of Thomas Ravenscroft and psalm singing in his time / |
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Microfilm 1398
Sobranīe sochinenīĭ / |
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Microfilm 1399
Oeuvres meslées contenant l'Innocente tromperie Nouvelles et autres ouvrages en vers et en prose / |
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Microfilm 1404
Erinnerungen an Friedrich Nietzsche |
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Microfilm 1405
Die Verfassungsdebatte bei Herodot (3, 80-82) |
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Microfilm 1406
Simulation. |
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Microfilm 1407
The Journal of industrial engineering. |
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Microfilm 1408
Gespräche aus der Zeit der deutschen Wiedergeburt |
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Microfilm 1411
Compendio historial de la M. N. y M. L. provincia de Guipúzcoa |
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Microfilm 1412
The pedagogical principles of music appreciation |
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Microfilm 1414
Music appreciation in the public schools of the United States, 1897-1930 |
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Microfilm 1415
Music and language some related analytical techniques / |
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Microfilm 1416
Music elections by academically talented students in Florida high schools |
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Microfilm 1417
Catalogue of the manuscripts in the Library of the Royal College of Music |
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Microfilm 1418
Catalogue de la Bibliotheque du Conservatoire national de musique de Paris |
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