Call Number (LC) Title Results
Microfilm 171 378.12 Principles of currency and banking 1
Microfilm 171 378.13 A description of the roads in the United States 1
Microfilm 171 378.14 Report to J. Edgar Thomson, President of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company submitting results of observations concerning the tendencies of trade towards the seaboard through the West, north of the Ohio River. 1
Microfilm 171 378.15 A historical review of the New York and Erie Railroad 1
Microfilm 171 378.2 An appeal to merchants and ship owners, on the subject of seamen A lecture delivered at the request of the Boston marine society, March 7, 1854 / 1
Microfilm 171 378.3 Observations on the commerce of the America states with Europe and the West Indies including the several articles of import and export; and on the tendency of a bill now depending in Parliament. 1
Microfilm 171 378.4 A few months in America containing remarks on some of its industrial and commercial interests / 1
Microfilm 171 378.5 National economy: a history of the American protective system and its effects upon the several branches of domestic industry / 1
Microfilm 171 378.6 The great industries of the United States being an historical summary of the origin, growth, and perfection of the chief industrial arts of this country / 1
Microfilm 171 378.8 Statistics of the woollen manufactories in the United States 1
Microfilm 171 378.9 The American mechanic 1
Microfilm 171 379.1 Report on the survey of the European and North American Railway made under the authority of the state of Maine / 1
Microfilm 171 379.10 A reply to Mr. Cohen's vindication of the steamboat monopoly With an appendix containing copies of the most important documents referred to in the argument / 1
Microfilm 171 379.11 A new rig for ships and other vessels combining economy, safety and convenience / 1
Microfilm 171 379.12 Remarks on ocean steam navigation 1
Microfilm 171 379.13 Lloyd's steamboat directory, and disasters on the western waters containing the history of the first application of steam, as a motive power; the lives of John Fitch and Robert Fulton; history of the early steamboat navigation on western waters; full accounts of all the steamboat disasters; a complete list of steamboats and all other vessels now afloat on thewestern rivers and lakes; maps of the Ohio and Mississippi rivers; history of all the rail roads in the United States; one hundred engravings and sixty maps / 1
Microfilm 171 379.14 Ocean steam navigation and the ocean post 1
Microfilm 171 379.15 Facts and arguments respecting the great utility of an extensive plan of inland navigation in America 1
Microfilm 171 379.2 Illustrated history of the Panama Railroad together with a traveler's guide and business man's hand-book for the Panama Railroad and its connections with Europe, the United States, the north and south Atlantic and Pacific coasts, China, Australia, and Japan, by sail and steam / 1
Microfilm 171 379.3 The great central railroad from Philadelphia to St. Louis 1