Microfilm 171 501.10
Petrolia a brief history of the Pennsylvania petroleum region, its development, growth, resources, etc., from 1859 to 1869 / |
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Microfilm 171 501.11
Banks and banking in the United States |
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Microfilm 171 501.12
The finance minister, the currency, and the public debt |
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Microfilm 171 501.13
Essay on the interest of money and the policy of laws against usury / |
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Microfilm 171 501.16
The railroad question |
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Microfilm 171 501.17
The life and writings of De Witt Clinton |
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Microfilm 171 501.2
Review of the decade 1857-67 |
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Microfilm 171 501.3
The commercial and financial strength of the United States as shown in the balances of foreign trade and the increased production of staple articles / |
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Microfilm 171 501.4
Beauties of the monopoly system of New Jersey |
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Microfilm 171 501.5
Commerce, Christianity, and civilization, versus British free trade letters in reply to the London times / |
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Microfilm 171 501.6
The French and American tariffs compared in a series of letters addressed to Mons. Michel Chevalier / |
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Microfilm 171 501.7
How protection, increase of public and private revenues, and national independence march hand in hand together Review of the report of the Hon. D. A. Wells, special commissioner of the revenue / |
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Microfilm 171 501.8
Introduction and early progress of the cotton manufacture in the United States ... |
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Microfilm 171 501.9
Etchings of a whaling cruise with notes of a sojourn on the island of Zanzibar. To which is appended a brief history of the whale fishery / |
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Microfilm 171 502.1
Four years in Secessia adventures within and beyond the Union lines: embracing a great variety of facts, incidents, and romance of the war. / |
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Microfilm 171 502.2
American journalism Address of Capt. Henry King delivered before the editors' and publishers' association of Kansas, at Lawrence, October 24th, 1871. To which is appended a report of the proceedings of the sixth annual convention of the association. 1871. |
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Microfilm 171 502.5
A vindication of Thomas Jefferson against the charges contained in a pamphlet entitled, "Serious considerations," &c. / |
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Microfilm 171 503.1
Diary of Gideon Welles, secretary of the Navy under Lincoln and Johnson |
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Microfilm 171 503.2
An eulogy on the life and character of John Marshall, chief justice of the Supreme court of the United States Delivered at the request of the councils of Philadelphia, on the 24th September, 1835 / |
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Microfilm 171 503.3
A collection of the facts and documents, relative to the death of Major-General Alexander Hamilton with comments: together with the various orations, sermons, and eulogies, that have been published or written on his life and character / |
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