Call Number (LC) Title Results
Microfilm 171 568.11 Influence of the mechanic arts on the human race Two lectures / 1
Microfilm 171 568.2 Mines, mills, and furnaces of the Pacific states and territories an account of the condition, resources, and methods of the mining and metallurgical industry in those regions, chiefly relating to the precious metals. A sequel to "American mines and mining." / 1
Microfilm 171 568.3 Report of the engineers on the reconnoissance and surveys, made in reference to the Baltimore and Ohio rail road. 1
Microfilm 171 568.4 A treatise on water-works for conveying and distributing supplies of water with tables and examples / 1
Microfilm 171 568.5 Report of William Weston, Esquire on the practicability of introducing the water of the River Bronx into the city of New York. Done at the request of the corporation of the said city. 1
Microfilm 171 568.6 Ferguson's lectures on select subjects in mechanics, hydrostatics, hydraulics, pneumatics, optics, geography, astronomy, and dialing 1
Microfilm 171 568.7 The portable steam-engine 1
Microfilm 171 568.8 Armsmear: the home, the arm and the armory of Samuel Colt A memorial. 1
Microfilm 171 568.9 Memoir of a mechanic Being a sketch of the life of Timothy Claxton / 1
Microfilm 171 569.1 A description of the Golden Islands with an account of the undertaking now on foot for making a settlement there / 1
Microfilm 171 569.2 Tracts and other papers relating principally to the origin, settlement, and progress of the colonies in North America from the discovery of the country to the year 1776 / 1
Microfilm 171 569.3-572.1 Early western travels, 1748-1846 a series of annotated reprints of some of the best and rarest contemporary volumes of travel, descriptive of the aborigines and social and economic conditions in the middle and far West, during the period of early American settlement / 1
Microfilm 171 573.1 Early English and French voyages, chiefly from Hakluyt, 1534-1608 1
Microfilm 171 573.2 A trip to New England With a character of the country and people, both English and Indians. 1
Microfilm 171 573.3 What I saw in California: being the journal of a tour, by the emigrant route and South pass of the Rocky mountains, across the continent of North America, the great desert basin, and through California, in the years 1846, 1847 ... 1
Microfilm 171 573.4 Incidents of travel and adventure in the far West with Col. Fremont's last expedition across the Rocky mountains: including three months' residence in Utah, and a perilous trip across the great American desert to the Pacific / 1
Microfilm 171 573.5 My life on the plains Or, Personal experiences with Indians / 1
Microfilm 171 573.6 The history of the American Indians particularly those nations adjoining to the Mississippi, East and West Florida, Georgia, South and North Carolina, and Virginia: containing an account of their origin, language, manners, religious and civil customs, laws, forms of government, punishments, conduct in war and domestic life, their habits, diet, agriculture, manufactures, diseases and method of cure ... With observations on former historians, the conduct of our colony governors, superintendents, missionaries, &c. Also an appendix containing a description of the Floridas, and the Mississippi lands, with their productions--the benefits of colonizing Georgiana, and civilizing the Indians--and the way to make all the colonies more valuable to the mother country / 1
Microfilm 171 573.7 An essay towards an Indian bibliography Being a catalogue of books, relating to the history, antiquities, languages, customs, religion, wars, literature, and origin of the American Indians, in the library of Thomas W. Field / 1
Microfilm 171 573.8 An enquiry into the causes of the alienation of the Delaware and Shawanese Indians from the British interest, and into the measures taken for recovering their friendship Extracted from the public treaties, and other authentic papers relating to the transactions of the government of Pensilvania and the said Indians, for near forty years; and explained by a map of the country / 1