Microfilm 171 594.6
An inaugural discourse on medical education delivered at the opening of the Medical College of Ohio in Cincinnati, 11 November 1820 |
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Microfilm 171 594.7
A treatise on the military art |
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Microfilm 171 594.8
The company drill of the infantry of the line together with the skirmishing drill of the company and battalion, after the method of Gen. Le Louterel. Bayonet fencing ... / |
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Microfilm 171 594.9
Torpedo war, and submarine explosions |
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Microfilm 171 595.1
Narrative of the Texan Santa Fé Expedition comprising a description of a tour through Texas, and across the great southwestern prairies, the Camanche and Caygüa hunting-grounds, with an account of the sufferings from want of food, losses from hostile Indians, and final capture of the Texans, and their march, as prisoners, to the city of Mexico. |
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Microfilm 171 595.2
Thirty years from home or, A voice from the main deck: being the experience of Samuel Leech, who was for six years in the British and American navies: was captured in the British frigate Macedonian: afterwards entered the American navy, and was taken in the United States brig Syren, by the British ship Medway. |
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Microfilm 171 595.3-596.1
Narrative of the expedition of an American squadron to the China seas and Japan performed in the years 1852, 1853 and 1854, under the command of Commodore M. C. Perry, United States Navy, by order of the government of the United States ... / |
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Microfilm 171 596.2-597.1
Ornithological biography or An account of the habits of the birds of the United States of America; accompanied by descriptions of the objects represented in the work entitled The birds of America, and interspersed with delineations of American scenery and manners. |
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Microfilm 171 598.1
History of the rise and progress of the arts of design in the United States |
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Microfilm 171 598.2
Aesthetic papers 1849. |
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Microfilm 171 598.3
The identification of the artisan and the artist the proper object of American education, illustrated by a lecture of Cardinal Wiseman, on the relation of the arts of design with the arts of production. Addressed to American workingmen and educators, with an essay on Froebel's reform of primary education / |
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Microfilm 171 598.4
[Design submitted for a building for the Library of Congress |
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Microfilm 171 598.5
Great American sculptures |
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Microfilm 171 598.6
Painting: its rise and progress from the earliest ages to the present time ... |
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Microfilm 171 598.7
Elements of design book first; for the use of parents and teachers / |
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Microfilm 171 598.8
The journal of Latrobe being the notes and sketches of an architect, naturalist and traveler in the United States from 1796 to 1820 / |
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Microfilm 171 598.9
A biographical and critical dictionary of painters, engravers, sculptors and architects, from ancient to modern times with the monograms, ciphers, and marks used by distinguished artists to certify their works. |
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Microfilm 171 599.1
A Relation of Maryland together, with a map of the countrey, the conditions of plantation, His Majesties charter to the Lord Baltemore, translated into English. |
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Microfilm 171 599.2
A Brief account of the province of East New Jarsey in America |
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Microfilm 171 599.3
Wonder-working providence of Sions Saviour in New England |
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