Call Number (LC) Title Results
Microfilm 171 639.14 Opinions on various subjects, dedicated to the industrious producers 1
Microfilm 171 639.15 The present state of Virginia and the college 1
Microfilm 171 639.16 A lecture on a school system for New Jersey delivered, January 23, in the chapel of Nassau-Hall, before the literary and philosophical society of New Jersey / 1
Microfilm 171 639.17 History of the controversy in the University of the city of New-York with original documents and an appendix / 1
Microfilm 171 639.2 An inquiry into the expediency of dispensing with bank agency and bank paper in fiscal concerns of the United States 1
Microfilm 171 639.3 The radical deficiency of the existing circulating medium and the advantages of a mutual currency 1
Microfilm 171 639.4 Proofs that credit as money in a truly free country is to a great extent preferable to coin 1
Microfilm 171 639.5 The banker's common-place book 1
Microfilm 171 639.6 Specie currency the true interests of the people. 1
Microfilm 171 639.7 An inquiry into the nature of value and of capital and into the operation of government loans, banking institutions, and private credit / 1
Microfilm 171 639.8 An address to the Columbian institute on the question, "What ought to be the circulating medium of a nation?" 1
Microfilm 171 639.9 A report on the currency presented by Hon. George Opdyke on behalf of the committee. 1
Microfilm 171 640.1 The life of Robert Owen 1
Microfilm 171 640.2 The select reader, or, Union no. 6 designed for the higher classes in academies and schools, being the sixth of a series of common-school classes / 1
Microfilm 171 640.3 The speeches at full length of Mr. Van Ness, Mr. Caines, The attorney-general, Mr. Harrison, and General Hamilton, in the great cause of the people, against Harry Croswell, on an incident for a libel on Thomas Jefferson, President of the United States 1
Microfilm 171 640.4 Desultory reflections on the new political aspects of public affairs in the United States of America since the commencement of the year 1799. 1
Microfilm 171 640.5 The debates in the several state conventions on the adoption of the federal Constitution as recommended by the general convention at Philadelphia in 1787 ; together with the Journal of the federal convention, Luther Martin's letter, Yates's minutes, Congressional opinions, Virginia and Kentucky resolutions of '98-'99 and other illustrations of the Constitution. / 1
Microfilm 171 641.1 A selection of leading cases on various branches of the law with notes / 1
Microfilm 171 641.2 Journal of William Maclay, United States senator from Pennsylvania, 1789-1791 1
Microfilm 171 641.3 A discussion of the question, is the Roman Catholic religion, in any or all its principles or doctrines, inimical to civil or religious liberty? and of the question, is the Presbyterian religion, in any or in all its principles or doctrines, inimical to civil or religious liberty? / 1