Call Number (LC) Title Results
Microfilm 2877 Die Kastraten und ihre Gesangskunst eine gesangsphysiologische, kultur- und musik- historische Studie / 1
Microfilm 2878 Eunuchism display'd : describing all the different sorts of eunuchs ; the esteem they have met with in the world, and how they came to be made so ; wherein principally is examin'd, whether they are capable of marriage, and if they ought to be suffer'd to enter into that state ; the whole confirm'd by the authority of civil, canon, and common law, and illustrated with many remarkable cases by way of precedent ; also a comparison between Signior Nicolini and the three celebrated eunuchs now at Rome, viz. Pasqualini, Pauluccio, and Jeronimo (or Momo) ; with several observations on modern eunuchs ; occasion'd by a young lady's falling in love with Nicolini, who sung in the opera at the Hay-market, and to whom she had like to have been married / 1
Microfilm 2879 A critical examination of the matching concept in accountancy 1
Microfilm 2881 Annales de l'Institut Fourier 1
Microfilm 2882 Acta mathematica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae. 1
Microfilm 2883 Algebra and logic. 1
Microfilm 2884 Annales Polonici mathematici. 1
Microfilm 2886 Uspekhi matematicheskikh nauk / 1
Microfilm 2887 Farinelli : le chanteur des rois. 1
Microfilm 2891 Die Gesangskunst der Kastraten : Erster Notenband : A. Die Kunst des Cavaliere Carlo Broschi Farinelli : B. Farinellis berühmte Arien : Eine Stimmbiographie in Beispielen aus Handschriften und frühen Drucken / 1
Microfilm 2892 Guide to the microfilm edition of the Thomas Penn papers / 1
Microfilm 2893 The Wittgenstein papers, a catalogue. 1
Microfilm 2897 Salt Lake daily tribune and Utah mining gazette
The Salt Lake daily tribune
The Salt Lake tribune
Microfilm 2898 Pueblo daily chieftain
Pueblo chieftain
Colorado daily chieftain
Microfilm 2899 The oil and gas journal
Oil investors' journal
Microfilm 2900 Soil science 1
Microfilm 2901 American annals of the deaf.
American annals of the deaf and dumb
MIcrofilm 2902 Engineering and mining journal. 1
Microfilm 2902 Engineering and mining journal.
Engineering and mining journal-press.
American journal of mining
Microfilm 2903 Monthly review of credit and business conditions 1