Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
Microfilm 2877 | Die Kastraten und ihre Gesangskunst eine gesangsphysiologische, kultur- und musik- historische Studie / | 1 |
Microfilm 2878 | Eunuchism display'd : describing all the different sorts of eunuchs ; the esteem they have met with in the world, and how they came to be made so ; wherein principally is examin'd, whether they are capable of marriage, and if they ought to be suffer'd to enter into that state ; the whole confirm'd by the authority of civil, canon, and common law, and illustrated with many remarkable cases by way of precedent ; also a comparison between Signior Nicolini and the three celebrated eunuchs now at Rome, viz. Pasqualini, Pauluccio, and Jeronimo (or Momo) ; with several observations on modern eunuchs ; occasion'd by a young lady's falling in love with Nicolini, who sung in the opera at the Hay-market, and to whom she had like to have been married / | 1 |
Microfilm 2879 | A critical examination of the matching concept in accountancy | 1 |
Microfilm 2881 | Annales de l'Institut Fourier | 1 |
Microfilm 2882 | Acta mathematica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae. | 1 |
Microfilm 2883 | Algebra and logic. | 1 |
Microfilm 2884 | Annales Polonici mathematici. | 1 |
Microfilm 2886 | Uspekhi matematicheskikh nauk / | 1 |
Microfilm 2887 | Farinelli : le chanteur des rois. | 1 |
Microfilm 2891 | Die Gesangskunst der Kastraten : Erster Notenband : A. Die Kunst des Cavaliere Carlo Broschi Farinelli : B. Farinellis berühmte Arien : Eine Stimmbiographie in Beispielen aus Handschriften und frühen Drucken / | 1 |
Microfilm 2892 | Guide to the microfilm edition of the Thomas Penn papers / | 1 |
Microfilm 2893 | The Wittgenstein papers, a catalogue. | 1 |
Microfilm 2897 |
Salt Lake daily tribune and Utah mining gazette The Salt Lake daily tribune The Salt Lake tribune |
3 |
Microfilm 2898 |
Pueblo daily chieftain Pueblo chieftain Colorado daily chieftain |
5 |
Microfilm 2899 |
The oil and gas journal Oil investors' journal |
2 |
Microfilm 2900 | Soil science | 1 |
Microfilm 2901 |
American annals of the deaf. American annals of the deaf and dumb |
2 |
MIcrofilm 2902 | Engineering and mining journal. | 1 |
Microfilm 2902 |
Engineering and mining journal. Engineering and mining journal-press. American journal of mining |
4 |
Microfilm 2903 | Monthly review of credit and business conditions | 1 |