Call Number (LC) Title Results
Microfilm 3030 Effectiveness of a daily auditory training program for Spanish-speaking children learning English 1
Microfilm 3032 An investigation of the relative bilingualism of Spanish surnamed children in an elementary school in Albuquerqu 1
Microfilm 3033 A comparative study of selected syntactical structures of the oral language status in Spanish and English of disadvantaged first-grade Spanish-speaking children 1
Microfilm 3034 A developmental study of time perception and time perspective in three cultural groups Anglo American, Indian American, and Mexican American / 1
Microfilm 3035 The image of Emiliano Zapata in the art and literature of the Mexican revolution 1
Microfilm 3036 An investigation of the relationship of certain predictive variables and academic achievement of Spanish-American and Anglo pupils in junior high school 1
Microfilm 3037 Free recall of categorizable objects by Mexican American and Anglo American children after training 1
Microfilm 3038 An analysis of the relationship between certain selected aspects of acculturation and the school adjustment of Mexican-American students in the seventh-grade 1
Microfilm 3039 The Hispanic-American borderland a regional historical geography / 1
Microfilm 3040 Interpersonal orientation of elementary teachers with Mexican-American pupils 1
Microfilm 3042 The effects of formal church affiliation and religiosity on fertility patterns of Mexican Americans in Austin, Texas 1
Microfilm 3043 The psychological and cultural bases of magical disease beliefs 1
Microfilm 3044 Job performance of Spanish American office employees, bookkeeping employees, and sales employees 1
Microfilm 3045 The treatment of United States-Mexican relations in secondary United States history textbooks published since 1956 1
Microfilm 3046 The political socialization of the Mexican American people 1
Microfilm 3047 Contacts and attitudes toward the United States in a Mexican border community 1
Microfilm 3048 Ravel's orchestral transcription technique 1
Microfilm 3049 Resources for a program of music study for the elementary classroom teachers of the Virgin Islands 1
Microfilm 3050 The 'practical' peace advocates an interpretation of the American peace movement, 1898-1917 / 1
Microfilm 3052 Improvement of communication skills for Mexican-American pupils in secondary school / 1