Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
Microfilm 3711 | The informational content of quarterly reports / | 1 |
Microfilm 3712 | An accounting research framework for multinational enterprises / | 1 |
Microfilm 3713 | The value of improved estimates of systematic security riskiness for investor decision / | 1 |
Microfilm 3714 | The Épitome musical : (Lyons, 1556) / | 1 |
Microfilm 3716 |
Dairy farmers' digest Dairy farmers' digest and poultry news From apathy to action The associated farmer Agricultural worker Farmers in 1944 The tenant farmer official organ Southern Tenant Farmers' Union. FTA news Southern farm leader UCAPAWA news The S.T.F.U. news Farmers' guild news The Co-operative pyramid builder Farmers defender Facts for farmers The Defender The Rural observer Northeastern union farmer Farm labor news U.S. farm union news U.S. farm news Farmers' national weekly The organized farmer Farmers national weekly The farm front The Communist position on the farmers' movement The national farm holiday news Conference bulletin Farmers and the war [Proceedings of the Farmers National Relief Conference] Farm holiday news [Farmers plan united action] proceedings of the Farmers Emergency Relief Conference, Sioux Falls, S.D., March 1935. Farmers unite their fight report, discussions and resolutions of the Farmers Second National Conference, held in Chicago, Nov. 15-18, 1933. United dairy farmer The farmers' open forum the bulletin of the Farmers' Non-Partisan League and affiliated organizations. The dairy farmer official organ of the Dairy Farmers' Union. 95 theses on the distribution of wealth The western progressive farmer official organ of the Western Progressive Farmers. Farmers and peasants international correspondent Mother earth The united farmer official organ of the United Farmers' Educational League. United Farmers forum national journal United Farmers of America. The producers news United Farmers League program a class struggle for the exploited farm masses / A militant program for American farmers draft program of the United Farmers League. Bulletin The Farm worker Share-croppers' voice The organized farmer organ of the Pennsylvania Farmers Protective Association. Farm news letter The agricultural unionist The union farmer |
54 |
Microfilm 3717 | History of women periodicals. | 1 |
Microfilm 3717 reel 156 |
People's & Howitt's journal People's journal |
2 |
Microfilm 3719 | Uncertainty and accounting measures : the effects of alternate disclosure modes on the accuracy of intuitive probability estimates / | 1 |
Microfilm 3720 | Universality of accounting principles and practices and evaluation of the universality of the needs of users of accounting information / | 1 |
Microfilm 3721 | User's predictions under disclosure vs. non-disclosure of segment data : an empirical investigation / | 1 |
Microfilm 3722 | The usefulness of price-level adjusted accounting numbers in the context of risk assessment / | 1 |
Microfilm 3723 | The theory and the format of an income statement to accompany exit-price financial statements / | 1 |
Microfilm 3724 | Toward a probabilistic assessment of income / | 1 |
Microfilm 3725 | Toward the postulates of auditing / | 1 |
Microfilm 3726 | The viola da gamba / | 1 |
Microfilm 3727 | Viol practice : books 1 and 2 / August Wenzinger ; English translation by Gordon J. Kinney. | 1 |
Microfilm 3728 | Defence of the bass viol against the enterprises of the violin and the pretensions of the violoncello / | 1 |
Microfilm 3729 | Traité de la viole : Paris, 1687 / | 1 |
Microfilm 3730 | Accounting information and purchasing power gains (losses) : an empirical investigation / | 1 |
Microfilm 3731 | A comparison of the abilities of general price level and conventional financial ratios to predict bankruptcy / | 1 |