Call Number (LC) Title Results
Microfilm 3725 Toward the postulates of auditing / 1
Microfilm 3726 The viola da gamba / 1
Microfilm 3727 Viol practice : books 1 and 2 / August Wenzinger ; English translation by Gordon J. Kinney. 1
Microfilm 3728 Defence of the bass viol against the enterprises of the violin and the pretensions of the violoncello / 1
Microfilm 3729 Traité de la viole : Paris, 1687 / 1
Microfilm 3730 Accounting information and purchasing power gains (losses) : an empirical investigation / 1
Microfilm 3731 A comparison of the abilities of general price level and conventional financial ratios to predict bankruptcy / 1
Microfilm 3732 Uber das Verhältnis zwischen Stimmung und Spieltechnin bei Streichinstrumenten in Da-gamba Haltung / 1
Microfilm 3733 An inquiry into the feasibility of auditing published financial projections / by Duane E. Baldwin. 1
Microfilm 3734 Salt Lake City, Utah, 1861-1901. 1
Microfilm 3735 The principal agréments of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries : a study of musical ornamentation / 1
Microfilm 3736 The music of John Banister. 1
Microfilm 3737 The church cantatas of Johann Kuhnau / 1
Microfilm 3738 Gallup looks at the movies audience research reports 1940-1950 / 1
microfilm 3740 L'Honesta negli amori. 1
Microfilm 3741 International gymnast 1
Microfilm 3742 Marketing news. 1
Microfilm 3743 Encore 1
Microfilm 3744 Computer business news. 1
Microfilm 3745 Television news index and abstracts. 1