Call Number (LC) Title Results
Microfilm 4142 Reel 7 Woman
The Suffragist
Microfilm 4142 Reel 8 Woman
The Social review
Microfilm 4142 Reel 9 Women's opinion 1
Microfilm 4142 Reel 11 The Women's gazette & weekly news 1
Microfilm 4142 Reel 16 Woman's signal budget
The Women's tribune
Women & progress
Microfilm 4142 Reel 17 The Woman worker
Women folk
Women's suffrage the official organ of the National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies.
Women and work
Microfilm 4142 Reel 18 The British workwoman out and at home 1
Microfilm 4142 Reel 22 Dilution of labour bulletin 1
Microfilm 4142 Reel 24 Feminine life 1
Microfilm 4142 Reel 25 The Friend of women's suffrage
Humanity devoted to the emancipation of sweated female workers.
The Journal of the University Association of Women Teachers
The Enterprise Club magazine
Microfilm 4142 Reel 26 Journal of the Women's Education Union 1
Microfilm 4142 Reel 27 Women workers the official report of the conference ... /
Official report of the Central Conference of Women Workers
Microfilm 4142 Reel 28 Women workers the papers read at the conference ... /
The war-worker
The woman journalist
The sempstress
Microfilm 4142 Reel 29 Woman's world
Kettledrum a magazine of art, literature & social improvement.
Microfilm 4142 Reel 30 The woman's advocate
The Woman's year book
Microfilm 4142 Reel 31 Women's liberal magazine
The Federation news
Microfilm 4142 Reel 33 Working gentlewomen's journal
The Barmaid
The Business girl
The Domestic servant's advertiser
Woman's opinion
Microfilm 4142 Reel 34 Home and politics 1
Microfilm 4142 Reel 35 Monthly news of the Conservative & Unionist Women's Franchise Association
Monthly news in connection with the Conservative and Unionist Women's Franchise Association
The Journal - British Women's Temperance Union
The Suffragette news sheet
Monthly news of the Conservative Women's Reform Association
The Irish schoolmistress and female teachers assistant
Microfilm 4142 Reel 36 The Woman clerk - Association of Women Clerks and Secretaries
The Woman teacher
The Waverly