Call Number (LC) Title Results
Microfilm 5756 Orinda the literary manuscripts of Katherine Philips (1632-64) 1
Microfilm 5757 Ser. 1 An account of the slave trade on the coast of Africa
The Canadian settlers' guide
The imperialist
Africa described, in its ancient and present state including accounts from Bruce, Ledyard, Lucas, Horneman, Park, Salt, Jackson, Sir F. Henniker, Belzoni, the Portuguese missionaries, and others, down to the recent discoveries by Major Denham, Dr. Oudney, and Captain Clapperton : intended for the use of young persons and schools /
Sultan to sultan adventures among the Masai and other tribes of East Africa /
The story of West Africa
Travels in West Africa Congo français, Corisco and Cameroons /
Comfort for the poor! Meat three times a day!! : Voluntary information from the people of New South Wales /
The road to Mandalay a tale of Burma /
The A.B.C. of colonization, in a series of letters by Mrs. Chisholm. addressed to the gentlemen forming the Committee of the Family Colonization Loan Society, viz. Lord Ashley, M.P., the Right Hon. Sydney Herbert, M.P., the Hon. Vernon Smith, M.P., John Tidd Pratt, Esq., F.G.P. Nelson, Esq., M. Monsell, Esq., M.P. : having appended a letter to Lord Ashley, and the rules of the Family Colonization Loan Society.
Notes on Africa for missionary students
A Turkish woman's European impressions
Station life in New Zealand
In the land of misfortune
The ascent of Cameroons Peak and travels in French Congo paper read at a meeting of the Society on the 19th March, 1896 /
Miss Stuart's legacy
Station amusements in New Zealand
Yesterday and to-day in Kruger's land the personal knowledge and experience of a lady from South Africa.
Swallow home, or, My first two years of married life spent in South Africa
Where the sugar maple grows idylls of a Canadian village /
Report on a recent visit to the colony of Sierra Leone
A thousand miles up the Nile
The gallery of Marianne North's paintings of plants and their homes, Royal Gardens, Kew descriptive catalogue /
India through the ages a popular and picturesque history of Hindustan /
Indian cookery "general" for young house-keepers containing numerous recipes both useful and original.
Mistress of men
No hero an autobiography /
Pharaohs, fellahs and explorers
The pool in the desert
Six years residence in Algiers
Letters from Egypt, 1863-65
Two Dianas in Somaliland the record of a shooting trip /
Two voyages to Sierra Leone, during the years 1791-2-3 in a series of letters : to which is added, a letter from the author to Henry Thornton, Esq., M.P. and chairman of the court of directors of the Sierra Leone Company /
A year's housekeeping in South Africa
The simple adventures of a memsahib
An Englishwoman in a Turkish harem
Colonial memories
A complete series of class handbooks of mixed geographical questions
Last letters from Egypt to which are added letters from the Cape /
Pictorial Africa its heroes, missionaries, and martyrs : stirring narratives of their perils, adventures, and achievements : together with a full and descriptive account of the peoples, deserts, forests, rivers, lakes and mountains of the "Dark Continent"
Hints and suggestions for travelling on the west coast of Africa
Emigration and transportation relatively considered in a letter, dedicated, by permission, to Earl Grey /
The female emigrant's guide, and hints on Canadian housekeeping
Wide-awake stories a collection of tales told by little children, between sunset and sunrise, in the Panjab [sic] and Kashmir /
On the face of the waters
A defence of Zululand and its king echoes from the Blue-Books : with an appendix containing correspondence on the subject of the release of Cetshwayo, etc. /
A social departure how Orthodocia and I went round the world by ourselves /
Memoir of the late Hannah Kilham
The backwoods of Canada being letters from the wife of an emigrant officer, illustrative of the domestic economy of British America.
West African studies
This is a short relation of some of the cruel sufferings (for the truths sake) of Katharine Evans & Sarah Chevers, in the Inquisition in the Isle of Malta who have suffered there above three years, by the Pope's authority, there to be deteined till they dye. Which relation of their suffering is come from their own hands and mouths, as doth appear from the following treatise. : These two daughters of Abraham were passing to Alexandria, and to Cilicia.
A voyage to Russia describing the laws, manners, and customs, of that great empire, as govern'd, at this present, by that excellent princess, the Czarina. : Shewing the beauty of her palace, the grandeur of her courtiers, the forms of building at Petersburgh, and other places : with several entertaining adventures, that happened in the passage by sea, and land. : To which is added, translated from the Spanish, a curious account of the relicks which are exhibited in the cathedral of Oviedo, a city of Spain ... /
Through England on a side saddle in the time of William and Mary being the diary of Celia Fiennes /
A brief history of the voyage of Katharine Evans and Sarah Cheevers to the island of Malta where the Apostle Paul suffer'd shipwreck. And their cruel sufferings in the Inquisition there, for near four years ... : To which is added, a short relation from George Robinson, of the sufferings which befel him in his journey to Jerusalem.
Narrative of a residence in Belgium during the campaign of 1815 and of a visit to the field of Waterloo /
A companion, and useful guide to the beauties of Scotland, to the lakes of Westmoreland, Cumberland, and Lancashire and to the curiosities in the district of Craven, in the West Riding of Yorkshire. : To which is added, a more particular description of Scotland, especially that part of it, called the Highlands. /
A journey made in the summer of 1794, through Holland and the western frontier of Germany, with a return down the Rhine to which are added, observations during a tour to the lakes of Lancashire, Westmoreland, and Cumberland. /
Travels in Italy, between the years 1792 and 1798 containing a view of the late revolution in that country. : Likewise pointing out the matchless works of art which still embellish Pisa, Florence, Siena, Rome, Naples, Bologna, Venice, &c. : With instructions for the use of invalids and families who may not chuse to incur the expence [sic] attendant upon travelling with a courier. : Also a supplement, comprising instructions for travelling in France, with descriptions of all the principal roads and cities in that republic /
Information and directions for travellers on the Continent by Mariana Starke.
A journey through the Crimea to Constantinople In a series of letters from the Right Honourable Elizabeth Lady Craven, to His Serene Highness the Margrave of Brandebourg, Anspach, and Bareith. /
The adventures of Akbar
The complete Indian housekeeper and cook giving the duties of mistress and servants, the general management of the house, and practical recipes for cooking in all its branches /
From the five rivers
Letters on India
Journal of a residence in India
History of the Society for Promoting Female Education in the East, established in the year 1834
Letters from India
A wreath of Indian stories
Pomegranates from the Punjab Indian stories /
Hours with Orientals
A lady's escape from Gwalior and life in the fort of Agra during the mutinies of 1857
The original letters from India of Mrs Eliza Fay
Portraits of the princes & people of India
Narrative of a journey overland from England, by the continent of Europe, Egypt, and the Red Sea, to India including a residence there, and voyage home, in the years 1825, 26, 27, and 28 /
The handbook for girl guides, or, How girls can help build the Empire
Letters of the Right Honourable Lady M--y W---y M----e written, during her travels in Europe, Asia and Africa, to persons of distinction, men of letters, &c. in different parts of Europe. Which contain, among other curious relations, accounts of the policy and manners of the Turks; drawn from sources that have been inaccessible to other travellers.
The African widow a very interesting narrative of a living character.
'Up the country' letters written to her sister from the upper provinces of India /
Notes for officers appointed to East Africa and Uganda
Winter studies and summer rambles in Canada
Microfilm 5757 Ser. 1, Pt. 1 Colonial discourses. 1
Microfilm 5757 Ser. 1, Pt. 2 Colonial discourses. 1
Microfilm 5757 Ser. 2, Pt. 1 Colonial discourses. 1
Microfilm 5758 Princeton University Latin American pamphlet collection. 1
Microfilm 5759 Princeton University Latin American pamphlet collection. 1
Microfilm 5760 Princeton University Latin American pamphlet collection. 1
Microfilm 5762 Princeton University Latin American pamphlet collection. 1
Microfilm 5765 Mary McLeod Bethune papers the Bethune Foundation collection / editorial adviser, Elaine M. Smith ; project coordinator, Randolph H. Boehm. 1
Microfilm 5766 Record group 800, Western Association of Architects 1
Microfilm 5767 Black Panther documents 1
Microfilm 5768 pt. 1 Africa through Western eyes. 1
Microfilm 5768 pt. 2 Africa through Western eyes. 1
Microfilm 5768 pt. 3 Africa through Western eyes. 1
Microfilm 5769 Entrepreneur 1
Microfilm 5770 The AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power New York records / 1
Microfilm 5771 The Nigerian citizen 1
Microfilm 5772 The daily service 1
Microfilm 5773 The Women's international quarterly
History of women