Call Number (LC) Title Results
Microfilm 763 Antoniana margarita, opvs nempe physicis, medicis, ac theologis non minvs vtile, qvam necessarivm per Gometivm Pereiram, medicvm Methinæ Dvelli, qvae Hispanorum lingua Medina de el Campo apellatur, nunc primum in lucem æditum 1
Microfilm 764 Historia Vniuersitatis Parisiensis Ipsius fundationem, nationes, facultates, magistratus, decreta, censuras & iudicia in negotiis fidei, priuilegia, comitia, legationes, reformationes. Item antiquissimas Gallorum academias, aliarum quoque vniuersitatum & religiosorum ordinum, qui ex eadem communi matre exierunt, institutiones & fundationes, aliáque id genus cum instrumentis publicis & authenticis à Carolo M. ad nostra tempora ordine chronologico complectens / 1
Microfilm 765 Folk culture on St. Helena Island, South Carolina 1
Microfilm 767 An album of the weapons, tools, ornaments, articles of dress, etc., of the natives of the Pacific islands drawn and described from examples in public & private collections in Australasia. 1
Microfilm 768 Veterum scriptorum et monumentorum historicorum, dogmaticorum, moralium, amplissima collectio 1
Microfilm 769 The literature of the north-west frontier of India a select bibliography. 1
Microfilm 770 The good gray poet A vindication. 1
Microfilm 771 Rvssia seu Moscovia itemque Tartaria commentario topographico atque politico illustratae. 1
Microfilm 773 Morpho-systematische Studien über fossile Muschelkrebse 1
Microfilm 774 The New York times
New-York daily times
Microfilm 775 The New York times index. 1
Microfilm 777 The Masses a monthly magazine devoted to the interests of the working people. 1
Microfilm 792 Adult experience and college degrees a report of the experimental degree project for adults at Brooklyn College, 1954-58 / 1
Microfilm 793 Power on the plains a business history of the development and operation of public power in Nebraska. 1
Microfilm 798 [Historia ecclesiastica. Latin. Mss. (Cambridge)] 1
Microfilm 800 Denver, Longmont and Northwestern 1
Microfilm 804 Les fées 1
Microfilm 807 The marketing of new automobiles by franchised dealers with special reference to sales management policies and practices 1
Microfilm 808 Productivity and efficiency in the automotive trade / 1
Microfilm 811 Stories of strange women 1