Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
Microfilm 935 | Francis Berrian, or, The Mexican patriot | 1 |
Microfilm 941 | Giulietta e Romeo novella storica. | 1 |
Microfilm 943 | De graecorum Ates notione ed indole Particula I. Dissertatio philologica quam consensu et auctoritate amplissimi philosophorum ordinis in alma literarum academia monasteriensi ad summos in philosophia honores rite impetrandos. | 1 |
Microfilm 943 F | Essays and miscellany | 1 |
Microfilm 945 | The American historical review | 1 |
Microfilm 947 | Journal of political economy | 1 |
Microfilm 949 | Noticias americanas entretenimientos phisicos-historicos, sobre la América Meridional, y la Septentrianal [sic] oriental. Comparación general de los territorios, climas, y producciones en las tres especies, vegetales, animales, y minerales : con relacion particular de las petrificaciones de cuerpos marinos de los Indios naturales de aquellos paises, sus costumbres, y usos : de las antiguedades: discurso sobre la lengua, y sobre el modo en que pasaron los primeros pobladores / | 1 |
Microfilm 949 Reel 11 | The Columbian magazine | 1 |
Microfilm 950 | Noticias secretas de America sobre el estado naval, militar, y politico de los reynos del Perú y provincias de Quito, costas de Nueva Granada y Chile : gobierno y regimen particular de los pueblos de Indios : cruel opresion y extorsiones de sus corregidores y curas : abusos escandalosos introducidos entre estos habitantes por los misioneros ; causas de su origen y motivos de su continuacion por el espacio de tres siglos / | 1 |
Microfilm 951 | Ordenanzas de gremios de la Nueva España Compendio de los tres tomos de la compilación nueva de ordenanzas de la muy noble, insigne y muy leal e imperial ciudad de México / | 1 |
Microfilm 952 | Solemnes exêquias del exmô. señor d. Matias de Galvez, Garcia, Madrid y Cabrera ... Celebradas en la santa Iglesia catedral de la imperial corte mexicana en los dias IV y V de marzo de 1785. Dispuestas por sus albaceas testamentarios / | 1 |
Microfilm 953 | Iconografía de gobernantes de la Nueva España tomada de la colección que se conserva en el Salón de Cabildos del Palacio municipal de la cibdad de México / | 1 |
Microfilm 954 | Recollections of some particulars in the life of the late William Shenstone, esq. in a series of letters from an intimate friend of his to ---------, Esq., F.R.S | 1 |
Microfilm 955 | Proceedings of ... Conference on Coastal Engineering. | 1 |
Microfilm 957 | An index to the biographical and obituary notices in the Gentleman's magazine, 1731-1780 | 1 |
Microfilm 958 | Dodecachordon | 1 |
Microfilm 959 |
The Censor The Boston weekly-magazine South-Carolina weekly museum, &c The Boston magazine The American museum The Religious monitor, or Theological scales The United States Christian magazine The New-England magazine The Universal asylum, and Columbian magazine The Royal American magazine, or Universal repository of instruction and amusement The General magazine, and impartial review, of knowledge, and entertainment National magazine, or, A political, historical, biographical, and literary repository The Lady's & gentleman's pocket magazine of literary & polite amusement for ... The Key The Newhampshire magazine, or, The monthly repository of useful information The Philadelphia Minerva The Rural casket The New-Jersey magazine, and Monthly advertiser The Free universal magazine The North-Carolina magazine, or, Universal intelligencer The Rural magazine, or, Vermont repository The General magazine and historical chronicle, for all the British plantations in America The Nightingale The Scourge of aristocracy, and repository of important political truths The Methodist magazine The American Apollo The Christian history The Gentlemen and ladies town and country magazine The Military repository The Pennsylvania magazine, or, American monthly museum The Political censor, or Review of the most interesting political occurrences, relative to the United States of America The Weekly magazine The American magazine The American musical magazine The Experienced Christian's magazine The Instructor Philadelphisches Magazin, oder Unterhaltender Gesellschafter, für die Deutschen in America Thespian oracle, or, Monthly mirror The American moral & sentimental magazine The Musical magazine The Weekly museum The Ladies magazine The Newhampshire and Vermont magazine, and general repository The New star The American magazine, or, General repository The New-Haven gazette, and the Connecticut magazine The Philadelphia magazine and review The Penny post The Philadelphia monthly magazine The Theological magazine The Tablet The Vigil The New-York weekly magazine, or, Miscellaneous repository The Remembrancer The Independent reflector The American magazine, or, A monthly view of the political state of the British colonies The American universal magazine The American monitor, or, the Republican magazine The Children's magazine The Gentleman and lady's town and country magazine, or, Repository of instruction and entertainment The American magazine, and monthly chronicle of the British colonies The Columbian magazine, or, Monthly miscellany John Englishman, in defence of the English constitution The Arminian magazine The New-England magazine of knowledge and pleasure American monthly review The New-York magazine; or, Literary repository Medical repository The Literary museum, or Monthly magazine The New American magazine United States magazine, or, General repository of useful instruction and rational amusement The Monthly magazine, and American review The Spiritual magazine The United States magazine The Massachusetts magazine, or, Monthly museum of knowledge and rational entertainment The Literary miscellany The Rural magazine Geistliches Magazien The Christian's, scholar's, and farmer's magazine The Columbian museum or, Universal asylum. Christian's monitor, & c The Political censor, or Monthly review of the most interesting political occurrences, relative to the United States of America John Englishman's true notion of sister-churches The Time-piece, and literary companion The American museum, or, Universal magazine The Time piece The Monthly review The Ladie's & gentlemen's pocket magazine of literary & polite amusement for ... Porcupine's political censor The Desert to the true American The Dessert to the true American Sentimental & literary magazine The Monthly miscellany, or Vermont magazine Courier de Boston The Hummingbird, or, Herald of taste The Worcester magazine The Occasional reverberator |
100 |
Microfilm 960 |
The Literary journal The Independent republican, and miscellaneous magazine The Huntingdon literary museum, and monthly miscellany The Harbinger of the Mississippi Valley The Companion and weekly miscellany Connecticut republican magazine The Military monitor and American register Journal of the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy Scientific American The Boston news-letter, and city record Boston monthly magazine American penny magazine, and family newspaper The Merchants' magazine and commercial review The Knickerbocker Walhalla The American quarterly review Brownson's quarterly review The American quarterly register and magazine The American pioneer The Casket and Philadelphia monthly magazine Hunt's merchants' magazine and commercial review The Casket, or, Flowers of literature, wit & sentiment The Casket Atkinson's casket Hunt's merchants' magazine Stryker's American register and magazine The Panoplist, and missionary magazine The Ladies' repository The New Englander New Englander and Yale review The Connecticut magazine Moonshine Christian register The Christian spectator The Connecticut evangelical magazine The Idle man The American journal of pharmacy Reformed Church messenger Maine farmer Literary and theological review. The American monthly magazine The American phrenological journal and miscellany The American medical recorder The American phrenological journal and life illustrated The American national preacher Democratic review Friends' intelligencer and journal American literary gazette and publishers' circular American journal, and annals of education and instruction American millenarian and prophetic review The American journal of science and arts The American monthly Massachusetts ploughman and New England journal of agriculture The Methodist magazine American museum and repository of arts and sciences, as connected with domestic manufactures and national industry. Also, a List of all the patents granted by the United States, up to the end of year 1821. With a list of all the books that have been deposited in the Department of State for securing their copy right according to law American publishers' circular and literary gazette The Evergreen The Escritoir; or, Masonic and miscellaneous album American mechanics' magazine The American medical and philosophical register The American phrenological journal and repository of science, literature and general intelligence Southern literary messenger Spirit of the times & life in New-York The Spirit of the Pilgrims Methodist review Episcopal watchman Episcopal recorder The Euterpeiad The Evangelist Army and Navy chronicle The Farmers' cabinet Army and navy chronicle, and Scientific repository Every youth's gazette The Monthly journal of medicine Farmer's register The Military and naval magazine of the United States Military magazine and record of the volunteers of the city and county The Mirror of literature, amusement and instruction Aurora Miscellaneous cabinet The Monthly anthology, and Boston review The Southern ladies' book The Farmers' cabinet, and American herd-book The Atlantic magazine The Baltimore literary and religious magazine The Baltimore medical and philosophical lycæum The Balance, and New-York State journal The Monthly journal of foreign medicine The Southern agriculturist The Southern cultivator and Dixie farmer The Monthly law reporter The Monthly register, magazine, and review, of the United States Southern planter The Southern planter Southern review The Southern planter and farmer Southern quarterly review Southern cultivator Graham's magazine Spirit of the XIX. century Godey's lady's book and magazine The Berean; or, An appeal to the scriptures Talisman The Teacher's guide and parent's assistant Baptist missionary magazine The Nassau literary magazine The Musical cabinet The Southern literary journal and monthly magazine Boston recorder Boston recorder and religious telegraph Friends' weekly intelligencer Godey's magazine De Bow's review Friends' intelligencer united with the Friends' journal The Gentleman's magazine and American monthly review The General repository The Theological medium Friend's intelligencer Brother Jonathan Graham's illustrated magazine New England historical and genealogical register The Green Mountain gem Genius of universal emancipation and Baltimore courier Genius of universal emancipation The Gospel messenger Godey's lady's book The Theatrical budget The National era The Times and register The Hangman The Halcyon luminary and Theological repository The Trumpet and Universalist magazine Child of Pallas, &c The Herald of truth Casket The Christian messenger Christian philanthropist Ohio farmer The Christian repository The New-Yorker The Christian advocate The Gridiron Rhode-Island Baptist The Harvard lyceum The Hive The Register of Pennsylvania The Religious cabinet The Religious miscellany Darby's repository The Monthly miscellany The Atlantic souvenir The Ariel The Aristidean The Theological and literary journal The Gospel messenger, and Protestant Episcopal register Advocate of peace Maine farmer and journal of the useful arts The American quarterly church review and ecclesiastical register The American farmer Literary gems The Lowell offering The American medical intelligencer The Religious magazine and monthly review The Reformed quarterly review American magazine of useful and entertaining knowledge The Miscellany The Circular Boston medical intelligencer Spirit of the English magazines The friend The monthly religious magazine The North American medical and surgical journal The Irish shield and monthly milesian Michigan farmer, and western agriculturalist The Apostolic advocate and prophetic interpreter The Genesee farmer The Beauties of the Evangelical magazine The Christian cabinet The Christian Baptist The Christian magazine The Christian monitor Cobbett's weekly political register Cohen's gazette and lottery register The Juvenile mirror, and, teacher's manual The Philadelphia journal of the medical and physical sciences The American review, and literary journal Boston weekly magazine The Christian's magazine The Witness Abolition intelligencer and missionary magazine Archives of useful knowledge The City record, and Boston news-letter Christian telescope Cohen's gazette & lottery register Journal inutile, ou Mélanges politiques et littéraires The Monthly magazine and literary journal The New England journal of medicine and surgery The Churchman's monthly magazine The Gleaner, or, Monthly magazine The Ladies' literary cabinet The Literary miscellany, or, Monthly review The Barber's shop The Observer The Repository of knowledge, historical, literary, miscellaneous, and theological The Columbia magazine The New-York monthly magazine The Philanthropist The American Baptist magazine The Baltimore weekly magazine The Evening fire-side, or Literary miscellany Ladies visitor The Spirit of the public journals, or, Beauties of the American newspapers The Monthly review and literary miscellany of the United States Recorder & telegraph The Agricultural museum The Christian herald The Fool The Herald of salvation The Literary pamphleteer New-York medical and physical journal Merrimack magazine and ladies' literary cabinet Le Médiateur Masonic mirror, and Mechanic's intelligencer Æsculapian register The Medical recorder The American law journal and miscellaneous repertory The Farmer's and planter's friend The Herald of life and immortality The Christian observer The Guardian Select reviews The American magazine The American monthly magazine and critical review The Carolina journal of medicine, science and agriculture The American magazine of wonders The Mathematical correspondent The New-Hampshire New Jerusalem magazine and primitive religious intelligencer Le Petit censeur, critique et littéraire Something The American medical review, and journal of original and selected papers in medicine and surgery The Moral and religious cabinet Salmagundi, or, The Whim-whams and opinions of Lancelot Langstaff, Esq. and others The Medical and agricultural register The Political magazine, and miscellaneous repository Extracts from the minutes of the United States Military Philosophical Society The Academician Annual law register of the United States The Christian register The Lancet The National pilot Omnium gatherum The Evangelical record, and western review The Monthly recorder The Parterre Museum The Philadelphia repertory The wasp Annals of nature, or, Annual synopsis of new genera and species of animals, plants, &c. discovered in North America The Ordeal Spectacles The Rush-light The Analectic magazine The Philadelphia medical and physical journal The Moralist The Virginia religious magazine Analectic magazine and naval chronicle The American musical magazine The Ladies' monitor The Massachusetts Baptist missionary magazine Medical and philosophical journal and review The Thistle The African intelligencer Cohen's lottery gazette & register The New-York mirror, and ladies' literary gazette The Minerviad The Useful cabinet The Religious repository The American register, or, General repository of history, politics, & science The Evening fire-side, or Weekly intelligence in the civil, natural, moral, literary and religious worlds The Patriot, or, Scourge of aristocracy The Theatrical censor The Toilet Annales philosophiques, politiques et littéraires The American Masonic register, and Ladies' and gentlemen's magazine Herald of gospel liberty The Boston pearl and literary gazette The Portico Anglo-American magazine The Remembrancer, or, Debtors prison recorder The Western journal, of agriculture, manufactures, mechanic arts, internal improvement, commerce, and general literature Episcopal magazine North-American review and miscellaneous journal The New England quarterly magazine The Visitor The Aeronaut Columbian historian Journal of belles lettres The Lay-man's magazine The German correspondent The Columbian star, and Christian index The National museum, and Weekly gazette The New-York medical magazine Geographical & military museum The Philadelphia medical museum The Thespian mirror Indiana farmer The American repertory of arts, sciences and manufactures The Advocate of science The Pittsburgh recorder Spirit of the age, and Journal of humanity The Lady's book The Investigator Fessenden's practical farmer, and silk manual Mechanics' & farmers' magazine of useful knowledge The Princeton magazine Christian watchman & reflector The Unitarian The Chicago medical examiner The Universalist The Messenger for the Holston Conference The Advocate of peace Trumpet and Universalist magazine Evangelical magazine and gospel advocate District school journal for the State of New-York The National preacher The United States literary gazette The Villager The Boston literary magazine The Family favorite and temperance journal The Political economist; and Emporium of statistical philosophy The Juvenile port-folio, & literary miscellany The Emerald and Baltimore literary gazette The American literary magazine The National register American ladies' magazine American people's journal of science, literature & art The Western journal of the medical & physical sciences The Advocate of peace and Christian patriot Common school assistant The North American magazine Boston pearl Museum of foreign literature, science and art American railway times Theological repertory, and churchman's guide The Magazine of useful and entertaining knowledge The Connecticut common school journal and annals of education Christian reflector & Christian watchman Zion's herald The Unitarian defendant Greenbank's periodical library The Western farmer and gardener, and horticultural magazine The Religious and literary repository Messenger of peace The Medical news and library The Magnolia, or, Southern Apalachian American law magazine The Rover The Investigator, and Advocate of independence The Watchman The Bouquet New-England Christian reflector Christian telescope and Universalist miscellany Christian advocate and journal, and Zion's herald Religious remembrancer The Roanoke religious correspondent, or Monthly evangelical visitant The Parlour companion Spirit of the forum, and Hudson remarker The Eye The Christian examiner and general review Medical communications of the Massachusetts Medical Society Le Petit censeur The Republican rush-light The Ladies museum The Medley Literary tablet The Pastime Portland magazine The Pilot The American athenæum; or, Repository of the arts, sciences, and belles lettres The Comet Evangelical luminary The Freemason's magazine and general miscellany The Guardian, or Youth's religious instructor The Quarterly journal of science and the arts National magazine, or, Cabinet of the United States The New-York review, and Atheneum magazine The Pioneer Prospect, or View of the moral world The Tickler The Patriot, &c The Thespian monitor, and dramatick miscellany The Western missionary magazine The American critic and general review The Analyst, or, Mathematical museum The Baltimore magazine The Juvenile magazine, or Miscellaneous repository of useful information The Massachusetts missionary magazine Collections, topographical, historical, & biographical, relating principally to New Hampshire The Christian's weekly monitor, or, Sabbath morning's repast The Critic Evangelical recorder The Evangelical repertory The Globe The Literary and scientific repository, and critical review New-York religious chronicle The Philadelphia Universalist magazine and Christian messenger The Floriad The New-York missionary magazine, and repository of religious intelligence Israel's advocate, or, the Restoration of the Jews contemplated and urged The Port folio The Nassau monthly The Reflector The Vermont Baptist missionary magazine The Friend of peace The Western monthly magazine The Subterranean The Working man's advocate The Lowell offering and magazine New-York evangelist The New Genesee farmer and gardener's journal Literary inquirer The Virginia historical register, and literary companion Monthly literary miscellany Western literary cabinet The Jeffersonian The North American miscellany Friends' intelligencer The Cumberland Presbyterian review Zion's herald and Wesleyan journal The Messenger The North American quarterly magazine The New Orleans miscellany The Living age The United Brethren's missionary intelligencer, and religious miscellany The Olio The Western Christian monitor The Literary geminæ The Reformer The Debtors' journal American metropolitan magazine The American register, or, Summary review of history, politics, and literature The Christian's magazine, reviewer, and religious intelligencer The Southern and western magazine and review Judy Western literary magazine The Sunday visitant; or, Weekly repository of Christian knowledge Working man's advocate Western recorder The United States review and literary gazette The New England farmer Ohio cultivator Salmagundi Monthly magazine Athæneum Baltimore phœnix & budget The Cincinnati mirror, and ladies' parterre The Olden time The Select journal of foreign periodical literature American church review North American, or, Weekly journal of politics, science and literature The Congregationalist Genesee farmer The Home journal The Independent The Herald of health Christian advocate and journal The American farmer and rural register Philadelphier Magazin für Freunde der deutschen Literatur in Amerika The Telescope Philadelphia medical times The Independent and the Weekly review Philadelphia recorder The Knickerbacker The Examiner and hesperian North-Carolina magazine, political, historical, and miscellaneous The Baltimore monthly visiter The Family magazine, or, Weekly abstract of general knowledge The Man Forrester's boy's and girls' magazine The American laborer Evangelical magazine American masonic register and literary companion The Medical news The Philadelphia album and ladies' literary port folio The Medical and surgical reporter The Cincinnati mirror, and western gazette of literature, science, and the arts The North American miscellany and dollar magazine Gospel advocate and impartial investigator Christian reflector Eclectic magazine, and monthly edition of the living age The Monument The Hartford pearl and literary gazette Christian advocate New-York mirror Evangelical repository New-England historical and genealogical register and antiquarian journal The National preacher and village pulpit New-York farmer, and Horticultural repository Investigator and expositor The Medical examiner The New Jersey medical reporter, and transactions of the New Jersey Medical Society The Rose of the valley The Holston Conference messenger Michigan farmer and state journal of agriculture Youth's companion and Sabbath school recorder The Catholic telegraph The Mutual rights, &c The Monthly anthology, or Magazine of polite literature The Illustrated family magazine Michigan farmer and livestock journal Christian observer The American monthly Knickerbocker The Zodiac Christian reformer, or, Evangelical miscellany The American journal of homœopathy The Boston musical review The American expositor Journal and review The Family minstrel District school journal, of the State of New-York Atlantic journal and friend of knowledge The Amaranth The Dollar magazine The New Jersey monthly magazine The Emerald The Lady's monitor The Garland, or, New general repository of fugitive poetry The Ladies' magazine Civil & religious intelligencer, or, The gleaner & monitor The Emporium of arts and sciences The Friendly visitor The Gospel inquirer Juvenile gazette The Lyre Western literary journal and monthly review Dramatic mirror and literary companion The United States magazine, and literary and political repository Fessenden's silk manual and practical farmer The Weekly visitor Stand Ladies' visiter The Merrimack magazine, and Monthly register, of politics, agriculture, literature, and religion Washington quarterly magazine The Radical, in continuation of the Working man's advocate Eastern magazine The Franklin Minerva The Massachusetts teacher and journal of home and school education The Western ladies' casket The Liberator The Western journal of medicine and surgery The Western miscellany The Irish shield The New Hampshire repository New York literary gazette The Western luminary Mechanic apprentice The Cynick The Intellectual regale, or Ladies' tea tray Journal of musick Connecticut evangelical magazine, and religious intelligencer The Monthly magazine Euterpeiad or, Musical intelligencer, & ladies' gazette The Dawn The Literary and philosophical repertory The Scientific journal The Inquisitor The Juvenile miscellany Youth's cabinet The American journal of homœopathia Annual report of the American Society for Promoting the Civilization and General Improvement of the Indian Tribes in the United States Mechanics advocate Medical news-paper, or, the Doctor and the physician The Youth's repository of Christian knowledge Literary cabinet, and Western olive branch The John-donkey The Mistletoe The Charleston medical register The Weekly recorder Child's newspaper The Phalanx The American musical journal The Rough and ready The Stranger The Alethian critic; or, Error exposed The Present The Elephant The New England quarterly journal of medicine and surgery The Huntress The Graham journal of health and longevity Harvardiana The Illinois monthly magazine Christian secretary The New-York magazine, and general repository of useful knowledge The Collegian; or, American students' magazine The Advocate of peace and universal brotherhood The Cultivator The Wesleyan repository Journal of education The Western quarterly reporter of medical, surgical, and natural science Medical repository The American gleanor, &c The Adviser, or, Vermont evangelical magazine The Charleston spectator, and Ladies' literary port folio The Columbian phenix and Boston review Merrimack miscellany The Lady's magazine and musical repository The Massachusetts watchman, and periodical journal The Evidence, or, Religious and moral gazette Medical and physical recorder The Literary magazine, and American register Literary cabinet The African repository and colonial journal The Georgia analytical repository The Carolina law journal The Pathfinder The Weekly visitor, and Ladies museum The Piscataqua evangelical magazine The Rambler's magazine and New-York theatrical register The Town The Almoner American farmer The Railway times Western farmer & gardener The Boston medical and surgical journal The Berean The Cabinet The Baltimore repertory, of papers on literary and other topics The American mineralogical journal The Baltimore philosophical journal and review Annals of beneficence The Athenæum Common school advocate The Yale literary magazine Spirit of the times The Crisis devoted to the support of the democratic principles of Jefferson. The Western review The Liberty bell Chronicles of the North American savages The Western quarterly review The Corsair The Correspondent The Colonizationist and journal of freedom Christian inquirer New Peterson magazine United States Catholic miscellany The Lady's world Ladies' national magazine National police gazette The American journal of the medical sciences The Valley farmer North American review The Panoplist, and missionary herald The Panoplist, or, the Christian's armory The Liberal Christian The Panoplist, and missionary magazine united The Ladies' garland Campbell's foreign semi-monthly magazine Ladies' magazine Christian intelligencer The Magnolia The Christian herald and seaman's magazine The American review Ladies' magazine and literary gazette The Western medical and physical journal The Western farmer Holden's dollar magazine The Monthly American journal of geology and natural science The Western farmer and gardener The Unitarian miscellany and Christian monitor Virginia literary museum and journal of belles lettres, arts, &c The Princeton review The Presbyterian quarterly and Princeton review Rural repository Massachusetts agricultural journal Michigan farmer Christian chronicle The New-England missionary magazine The Monthly visitant, or Something old The Monthly scientific journal The New-England missionary intelligencer The Moral advocate The Examiner The Abolitionist The Ladies' pearl The Ladies' garland and dollar magazine Quarterly observer The Ladies' garland and family magazine De Bow's review of the southern and western states American turf register and sporting magazine The Medical & surgical register Banner of the constitution The Amaranth, or Masonic garland De Bow's commercial review of the South & West The Ladies' garland and family wreath Southern rose bud The Monthly religious magazine and independent journal The Monthly review and religious magazine The Monthly religious magazine and theological review The Rose bud, or Youth's gazette The Lady's pearl The Journal of jurisprudence The Christian intelligencer The Christian examiner and theological review The Christian journal, and literary register The Christian disciple The Christian intelligencer and eastern chronicle Littell's living age The Western monthly review The Methodist magazine and quarterly review The Christian examiner The Christian examiner and religious miscellany The Charleston gospel messenger, and Protestant Episcopal register American anti-slavery reporter The Flag of our union The American Sunday school teachers' magazine, and Journal of education The Christian index The Amaranth, or Token of remembrance The Albion The Gospel messenger, and Southern Episcopal register The American almanac and repository of useful knowledge The Religious intelligencer The Christian monitor, and religious intelligencer The Gazetteer The Boston weekly magazine Niles' weekly register The Christian mirror The weekly register The New York journal of medicine The American agriculturist Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences The Radical The Massachusetts quarterly review The Mercersburg review The Worcester magazine and historical journal Niles' national register Theophilanthropist The American repertory of arts, sciences, and useful literature The Advocate of science, and annals of natural history The American eagle magazine The Harbinger The American monthly review The Northern light Waldie's literary omnibus Brown's literary omnibus The American eclectic Ohio common school director American journal of education The Juvenile repository The Balance The Pilgrim The Boston magazine The Juvenile magazine The Balance, & State journal The Biblical repository and quarterly observer The Biblical repository Boston masonic mirror Anti-slavery reporter The Christian review The American biblical repository The Journal of agriculture The Columbian magazine The Hesperian The Presbyterian magazine The Anti-slavery record The Broadway journal Friends' review Masonic mirror Pennsylvania journal of prison discipline, and philanthropy The Naval magazine Carey's library of choice literature The Evangelist and religious review Baltimore monument The Ladies' literary port folio New York evangelist American advocate of peace Rhodes' journal of banking and the bankers' magazine consolidated Gospel palladium The Gospel trumpet The Gospel advocate The Evangelical intelligencer The Recorder The Gospel visitant The Assembly's missionary magazine, or, Evangelical intelligencer The Agricultural magazine The Latter day luminary The Young mechanic The Literary world Musical visitor The Religious enquirer The Juvenile port-folio, and literary miscellany Religious informer Christian watchman & Baptist register Religious inquirer The Christian watchman The Gentleman's magazine Evangelical monitor Maine farmer and mechanic's advocate Burton's gentleman's magazine and American monthly review The Mechanic Boston musical visitor The American journal of music, and musical visitor Kennebec farmer and journal of the useful arts Christian watchman The Harvard register Boston mechanic, and Journal of the useful arts and sciences The New-England magazine Connecticut common school journal The Washington theological repertory, and churchman's guide Religious informer and Free-will-Baptist register The New-York monthly chronicle of medicine and surgery The Universalist expositor Sargent's new monthly magazine The New-York literary gazette, and Journal of belles lettres, arts, sciences, &c Hopkinsian magazine The African repository The American Whig review The Maine monthly magazine Medical communications and dissertations of the Massachusetts Medical Society The Massachusetts teacher Pennsylvania law journal The Christian observatory The Microscope Medical dissertations The Microscope, and independent examiner The Christian visitor Memoirs of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences The New-England telegraph, and eclectic review Merry's museum and Parley's magazine Orion The Naturalist Youth's companion The American law journal New York illustrated magazine The Teacher The Evangelical witness The Literary and evangelical magazine The Evangelical and literary magazine The Evangelical and literary magazine, and missionary chronicle Journal of the Law-school American eclectic and museum of foreign literature The Biblical repertory and theological review Select reviews of literature The Utica Christian repository The Daguerreotype Universalist quarterly and general review Dwight's American magazine, and family newspaper Biblical repertory The Eclectic magazine of foreign literature, science, and art The United States magazine and Democratic review The Congregationalist and Christian world Eclectic magazine of foreign literature, science, and art Eclectic magazine The American quarterly church review The Church review and ecclesiastical register The Church review The Mercersburg quarterly review Christian repository Albany bouquet and literary spectator The United States Catholic magazine The Rural repository The Prisoners' friend a monthly magazine devoted to criminal reform, philosophy, literature, science and art. Gospel herald and Universalist review The Cincinnati mirror, and ladies' parterre and museum The Philadelphia monthly magazine The Irish shield and literary panorama Mechanicks magazine, and journal of publick internal improvement The New Jersey medical reporter The New-York tract magazine and Christian miscellany The Philadelphia Museum, or, Register of natural history and the arts Periodical sketches Cheap repository The Musical visitor Rural repository, or Bower of literature American annals of education and instruction, and journal of literary institutions United States Catholic intelligencer The Musical magazine The Literary casket The Jesuit or Catholic sentinel The Rochester magazine and theological review The Weekly monitor The Religious instructor The Western gleaner, or Repository for arts, sciences, and literature The Sabbath school repository, and teacher's assistant The Truth The Ohio miscellaneous museum The Rhode-Island literary repository St. Tammany's magazine The Political economist The Masonic miscellany and Ladies' literary magazine The Reformer and Christian The Religious museum Robinson's magazine The Euterpeiad or, Musical intelligencer The Euterpeiad, or, Musical intelligencer The Euterpeiad, or Musical intelligencer, and select repository of classic and polite literature The Indiana farmer & gardener The Christian parlor magazine The Literary messenger The Opera glass Literary emporium The Literary register Western literary casket The Yankee and Boston literary gazette Republic of letters The Medical times and register The Ohio medical & surgical journal The Ohio practical farmer Readinger Magazin für Freunde der Deutschen Literatur in Amerika The Yankee The Ohio medical and surgical journal The Western magazine and review The Anti-masonic review, and magazine The Monthly register, and review of the United States Journal des dames; ou, Les souvenirs d'un vieillard Gospel advocate Magazine for the million The Monthly chronicle United States law intelligencer and review The prairie farmer The Christian's weekly monitor Civil & religious intelligencer The Christian's monitor Baltimore literary monument The Southern and western literary messenger and review The Ladies' companion New-York farmer, and American gardener's magazine Transactions of the Literary and Philosophical Society of New-York The New-Harmony gazette The Literary focus Musical reporter The Indiana farmer's guide The Farmer & gardener, and Live-stock breeder & manager The Cumberland Presbyterian quarterly The Farmer & gardener The Christian intelligencer and gospel advocate The People's rights, and organ of the National Reform Association The Family magazine, or, General abstract of useful knowledge New-York sentinel, and Working man's advocate The Family magazine The Advocate &c Atkinson's Saturday evening post and bulletin The Peterson magazine Lady's western magazine and garland of the valley Lady's western magazine Morris's national press The Advocate The Visitant Atkinson's Saturday evening post Roberts' semi-monthly magazine The Cumberland Presbyterian quarterly review The Sabbath school visitant Atkinson's evening post, and Philadelphia Saturday news New-York observer The Apostolic advocate District school journal of education of the State of New York Weekly visitor, or, Ladies' miscellany Lady's miscellany, or, Weekly visitor, for the use and amusement of both sexes Lady's miscellany; or, The weekly visitor Lady's weekly miscellany Weekly magazine and ladies' miscellany Boston weekly magazine and ladies' miscellany Semi-weekly magazine and mercantile advertiser The Monthly anthology, or Massachusetts magazine The Plough boy The Southern literary journal, and magazine of arts Sartain's union magazine of literature and art The Plough boy, and journal of the Board of Agriculture The Hygienic teacher and water-cure journal The Religious monitor The Boy's and girls' magazine The Biblical repertory The New-York spirit of the times The Traveller, family journal, spirit of the times and life in New-York The Traveller, Spirit of the times and life in New-York Health Universalist watchman and Christian repository The Spirit of the English literature The New world Universalist watchman New England farmer, and gardener's journal Universalist watchman, repository and chronicle The Herald of health and journal of physical culture The Weekly inspector Boston weekly magazine, or, Ladies' and gentlemen's miscellany The Belles-lettres repository, and monthly magazine The Belles-lettres repository The New-York literary journal, and belles-lettres repository Robert Merry's museum The Ladies' wreath New-England farmer Merry's museum, Parley's magazine, Woodworth's cabinet and the Schoolfellow Merry's museum New England farmer, and horticultural register Masonic casket The Monitor The Jew The National museum, and Weekly gazette of discoveries, natural sciences, and the arts New England farmer The Boston lyceum Cultivator The Quarterly Sunday school magazine The United States democratic review Mechanics' magazine The American Baptist magazine, and missionary intelligencer The Medical review, and analectic journal Journal of prison discipline, and philanthropy The Baptist missionary magazine The Utica Christian magazine Literary & musical magazine Quarterly journal of the American Education Society The Quarterly journal of the American Education Society New-York district school journal Quarterly register of the American Education Society New-York weekly museum Mechanics' magazine, and journal of the Mechanics' Institute The Quarterly register The New-York weekly museum The Weekly museum The Southern rose The Quarterly register and journal of the American Education Society Mechanics' magazine and register of inventions and improvements The Ladies' weekly museum, or, Polite repository of amusement and instruction Philadelphia repository, and weekly register The Union magazine of literature & art American museum of literature and the arts The New-York literary gazette and Phi Beta Kappa repository The Western monthly magazine, and literary journal Philadelphia album, and ladies' literary gazette Wellman's literary miscellany The Medical examiner, and retrospect of the medical sciences Universalist magazine Hazard's register of Pennsylvania Wellman's miscellany The Medical examiner, and record of medical science Christian visitant Memoirs of the Columbian Chemical Society of Philadelphia The Country courier The Fly, or, Juvenile miscellany The Farrier's magazine, or, The archives of veterinary science The Corrector The Vaccine inquirer, or, Miscellaneous collections relative to vaccination The United States' naval chronicle The Child's friend The Dial The Journal of foreign medical science and literature The Eclectic repertory and analytical review The Mirror of taste, and Dramatic censor The Anglo American American annals of education The Saturday evening post The Journal of health American annals of education and instruction The Anti-slavery examiner The American journal of education and monthly lyceum The Album, and ladies' weekly gazette The Artist The American historical magazine Journal of the Franklin Institute of the State of Pennsylvania The Evangelical guardian and review The Club-room Church record The Friend The Microscope and general advertiser The Churchman's magazine Collections, historical & miscellaneous, and monthly literary journal Cohen's lottery gazette and register The New Jerusalem record The New-York City-hall recorder The Odd fellows' magazine The Eclectic museum of foreign literature, science, and art The Reformed church review The Parthenon, or, Literary and scientific museum Cincinnati mirror Common school assistant, and public instructor United States law journal The Cincinnati mirror, and chronicle The Virginia historical register, and literary note book Church's musical visitor The Virginia historical register, and literary advertiser Baltimore medical and surgical journal and review The Recreative magazine The Western review and miscellaneous magazine A Religious magazine The observer The Rural magazine and farmer's monthly museum The Theological review and general repository of religious and moral information Evangelisches Magazin Literary magazine The Western literary journal, and monthly review Expositor and Universalist review The Baltimore monthly journal of medicine and surgery The Green Mountain repository The Western examiner The Literary tablet The Investigator, and general intelligencer The Hierophant, or, Monthly journal of sacred symbols and prophecy The Western law journal The Plough, the loom, and the anvil The Literary examiner and western monthly review The Literary gazette Journal of the Rhode Island Institute of Instruction The Western academician and journal of education and science The Louisville journal of medicine and surgery Fœderal American monthly Religious monitor, and Evangelical repository The Iris, or Literary messenger Parley's magazine The Southern literary gazette Georgick papers for... consisting of letters and extracts, communicated to the Massachusetts Society for Promoting Agriculture Papers, consisting of communications made to the Massachusetts Society for Promoting Agriculture Papers for ... communicated to the Massachusetts Society for Promoting Agriculture The Anti-masonic review, and monthly magazine Family lyceum The Magnolia: or, Literary tablet The National magazine; or, Lady's emporium New York state mechanic The Literary union Robert's semi-monthly magazine for town and country The National magazine and republican review The Ohio medical repository The Poughkeepsie casket Oliver's magazine The Literary journal, and Weekly register of science and the arts The New-England medical review and journal The New-York legal observer The Phrenological journal and science of health Every body's album The Western Christian advocate La Revue des salons, journal de musique, de littérature, et des beaux arts The Souvenir Yankee doodle The Free enquirer The Weekly messenger American farmer, and spirit of the agricultural journals of the day The Port folio, and New York monthly magazine Waldie's select circulating library, and journal of polite literature Merry's museum, and Woodworth's cabinet Waldie's select circulating library The Ladies' wreath and parlor annual National government journal, and register of official papers Lady's and gentleman's weekly museum, and Philadelphia reporter The Western New-York Baptist magazine Lady's & gentleman's weekly literary museum and musical magazine The Boston satirist, or Weekly museum The Spiritual magazine, or, gospel treasury Western minerva, or, American annals of knowledge and literature The Vehicle, or New-York northwestern Christian magazine The American Sunday school magazine Ladies' literary museum, or, Weekly repository The Sunday school repository National recorder The Philadelphia register, and national recorder The Law reporter The Lyceum The Satirist Ladies' literary museum The Saturday magazine The Vehicle, or Madison and Cayuga, Christian magazine Arthur's magazine The United States review The New-England galaxy Galaxy The Wreath New-York weekly museum, or, Polite repository of amusement and instruction The Washington theological repertory The American quarterly register The New England family magazine The Pearl and literary gazette Utica evangelical magazine Christian watchman & Christian reflector Trumpet and Universalist magazine and star of Bethlehem Literary inquirer, and Repertory of literature and general intelligence American masonic register The Medical news and abstract The New-York literary gazette and American atheneum Western literary miscellany The Columbian star The Halcyon itinerary, and True millenium messenger The Boston spectator The Boston journal of philosophy and the arts Town & country The Historical register of the United States The Literary miscellany The Quarterly Christian spectator North American archives of medical and surgical science The Parlour review, and journal of music, literature, and the fine arts Ladies museum The Monthly religious magazine Massachusetts ploughman Boston cultivator The Western messenger The Providence theological magazine New-England historical and genealogical register The Literary mirror Rutgers literary miscellany The Ladies' port folio The Guardian & Monitor The New Jerusalem Church repository The Virginia evangelical and literary magazine The Analyst New-England galaxy The Wesleyan repository, and religious intelligencer The Oasis The Western journal and civilian The Tennessee farmer Lady's world of fashion The Manuscript The Weekly visitant The Literary companion The American athenæum The Churchman's repository for the eastern diocess The Scriptural interpreter The Diana, and ladies' spectator The Ohio farmer The Religious monitor, or, Evangelical repository The New York albion The Monthly offering Pictorial review Christian register and Boston observer The American jurist Arcturus Colvin's weekly register Ladies afternoon visitor The Literary gazette, or, Journal of criticism, science, and the arts The American review of history and politics Albion, or, British, colonial, and foreign weekly gazette The Biblical repository and classical review The Medical times The Journal of prison discipline and philanthropy The Historical family library New England literary herald The New Princeton review The Expositor Museum of foreign literature and science The Union agriculturist and western prairie farmer The Phrenological journal and life illustrated The United States Catholic magazine and monthly review The New-York review The Scourge The Portsmouth weekly magazine The Rural magazine, and literary evening fire-side The Horticulturist, and Journal of rural art and rural taste Philadelphia magazine, or weekly repository of polite literature Boston recorder and telegraph Campbell's foreign monthly magazine American farmers' magazine The Phalanx or Journal of social science The Cincinnati literary gazette The Common school journal The Common school journal and educational reformer Cincinnati weekly herald and philanthropist L'Hémisphère The Medical reformer Boston miscellany The Miscellaneous magazine The Horticultural register and gardener's magazine The Candid examiner The New mirror The Minerva The Militia reporter The New monthly magazine The Boston quarterly review Boston musical gazette Bibliotheca sacra Peterson's magazine The National magazine The Southern cabinet The Historical and genealogical register The independent American periodical series, 1800-1850 New-England galaxy & masonic magazine The Methodist quarterly review The Village museum The literary casket The American journal of homeopathy The Philadelphia repository The New-Jerusalem missionary Knickerbocker monthly German Reformed messenger The Bankers' magazine The Bankers' magazine, and state financial register The Bankers' magazine, and statistical register The Puritan recorder The Transylvania journal of medicine, and the associate sciences National journal [extra.] The Franklin journal, and American mechanics' magazine The American journal of science The Monthly repository, and Library of entertaining knowledge The Missionary magazine Young America The Subterranean and the Working man's advocate Impartial gazetteer, and, Saturday evening's post The Subterranean united with the Working man's advocate The Polyanthos The Carolina law repository Dwight's American magazine The Balance, and Columbian repository |
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Ladies' home journal The Overland monthly Old and new The Critic The Southern review Overland monthly and the Out West magazine Oliver Optic's magazine The Old guard Every Saturday The Dial The American meteorological journal The Manifesto The American law review The American Presbyterian and theological review Magazine of western history The American Presbyterian review Schermerhorn's monthly: for parents and teachers Arthur's illustrated home magazine The Arena Arthur's home magazine Appletons' journal of literature, science and art Shakespeariana Ballou's monthly magazine Ballou's dollar monthly magazine Belford's magazine The Forum and century Frank Leslie's popular monthly Gleason's pictorial drawing-room companion Gunton's magazine Bulletin of the American Geographical Society Bulletin of the American Geographical and Statistical Society The National magazine Liberty (Not the daughter but the mother of order) The Californian Arthur's lady's home magazine The American lawyer The American historical register Current literature The Aldine Gunton's magazine of practical economics and political science The American architect [and] the architectural review The quarterly journal of economics Historical researches in western Pennsylvania, principally catholic Scribner's monthly Harper's bazar American illustrated magazine The American Catholic historical researches The Forum Catholic historical researches The Art amateur The New world Lippincott's magazine of popular literature and science Russell's magazine The New McClure's Belford's monthly and democratic review The Aldine press The Old Testament student The Outing magazine Outlook The American journal of politics The American socialist The New England journal of dentistry and allied sciences Gunton's magazine of American economics and political science The Central law journal Hours at home The Physician's magazine The American journal of education McBride's magazine The American magazine The Manhattan illustrated monthly magazine The New York teacher, and American educational monthly McClure's The Albany law journal The Hebrew student Outing and the wheelman The Christian union Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences The Catholic world Current opinion Southern Historical Society papers The Cosmopolitan The Chap-book The Chautauquan The Danville quarterly review Colman's rural world The Valley farmer American journal of philology The United service Ladies' home journal and practical housekeeper Life The Journal of speculative philosophy Unitarian review Publications of the American Economic Association Unitarian review and religious magazine The American Catholic quarterly review Bulletin of the American Economic Association American Economic Association quarterly Our continent The Century magazine Leslie's monthly magazine The Riverside magazine for young people The International review Putnam's monthly Putnam's magazine of literature, science, art, and national interests The American antiquarian and oriental journal The American antiquarian The Philobiblion The Galaxy The Pioneer, or, California monthly magazine The Happy home and parlor magazine The Historical magazine Vanity fair The Round table The Radical Ballou's pictorial The Baptist review The Shaker Punchinello American educational monthly The Bookman Outlook and independent The Outlook National repository Lippincott's magazine The Literary world Puck Emerson's magazine and Putnam's monthly The Mathematical monthly The Circular The New England journal of dentistry The Manhattan Lippincott's magazine of literature, science and education The Lady's home magazine of literature, art, and fashion United States magazine Lippincott's monthly magazine The American magazine of civics The Old and New Testament student The Wheelman McClure's magazine The Physicians and surgeons' investigator The Dollar monthly magazine The Roycroft quarterly Belford's monthly Oneida circular The Biblical world Gleason's pictorial Southern Historical Society tracts The Harvard register The International miscellany of literature, art, and science International weekly miscellany of literature, art, and science The Continent weekly magazine The International magazine of literature, art, and science The American journal of education and college review The Critic & good literature Journal of the American Geographical Society of New York Journal of the American Geographical and Statistical Society The Baptist quarterly Our young folks Beadle's monthly The American theological review The Utahnian The Baptist quarterly review Shaker and Shakeress monthly The Pennsylvania magazine of history and biography The Monist Outing New outlook Colman's rural world and valley farmer United States magazine of science, art, manufactures, agriculture, commerce and trade The Philistine a periodical of protest / The Andover review Forest and stream Emerson's United States magazine St. Nicholas The New York genealogical and biographical record The American historical record The Californian and overland monthly Potter's American monthly American educational monthly, and New York teacher The Happy home The Ladies' home magazine The American architect American architect and building news American architect and architecture The Continental monthly The Bibelot Bulletin of the New York Geneaological and Biographical Society The Open court Our boys and girls Danville review Journal of social science Appletons' journal Political science quarterly The United States service magazine The Continent The Shaker manifesto official monthly, published by the United Societies. Gunton's magazine of social economics and political science The American educational monthly for the school and the family |
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