Call Number (LC) Title Results
N 14.2:At 6 Maury's wind and current charts gales in Atlantic. 2
N 14.2:Ec 6/1 Instructions for observing total solar eclipse of July 29, 1878 2
N 14.2:Ec 6/2 Circular total solar eclipse of Aug. 29-30, 1905. 2
N 14.2:In 7 Instruments and publications of U.S. Naval Observatory, 1845-76 2
N 14.2:IN 8 Report on interoceanic canals and railroads between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans / 1
N 14.2:In 8 Report on interoceanic canals and railroads between Atlantic and Pacific oceans
Report on interoceanic canals and railroads between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans /
N 14.2:M 35/2 Observations and orbits of satellites of Mars, with data for ephemerides in 1879 2
N 14.2:M 53/1 Instructions for observing transit of Mercury
Instructions for observing transit of Mercury, 1878, May 5-6
N 14.2:M 53/2 Instructions for observing transit of Mercury, Nov. 10, 1894 1
N 14.2:[M 56] November meteors 1
N 14.2:M 56/[1] November meteors of 1868 1
N 14.2:[M 56/2] November meteors of 1866, as observed at U.S. Naval Observatory 1
N 14.2:[M 56/3] Observations and discussions on November meteors of 1867 2
N 14.2:N 84/2 Notice to mariners
Notice to mariners, 2nd edition
N 14.2:R 25/1 Refraction tables 2
N 14.2:R 25/2 Auxiliary tables for computing refractions 2
N 14.2:R 26/1 Regulations for government of U.S. Naval Observatory 2
N 14.2:R 26/2 Regulations of U.S. Naval Observatory 2
N 14.2:So 42 Total solar eclipse of 31 Aug. 1932, radio address by Capt. Frederick Hellweg, superintendent U.S. Naval Observatory, over National Broadcasting System, on Sunday, 7 Aug. 1932
Total solar eclipse of 31 Aug. 1932, radio address by Capt. Frederick Hellweg, superintendent U.S. Naval Observatory, over National Broadcasting System, on Sunday, 7 Aug. 1932.
N 14.2:St 2 How Navy steers by stars
How Navy steers by stars.