Call Number (LC) Title Results
N17.17-32.2 Circular for information of persons desiring to enter U.S. Navy as assistant surgeon, Medical Corps; assistant surgeon, Medical Reserve Corps; acting assistant dental surgeon, Dental Corps; assistant dental surgeon, Dental Reserve Corps; assistant paymaster; 2nd lieutenant in Marine Corps; chaplain. 1
N17.17-33.1 Circular for information of persons desiring to enter Medical Corps of U.S. Navy 1
N17.17-33.2 Circular for information of persons desiring to enter Medical Corps of U.S. Navy. 1
N17.17-33.3 Circular for information of persons desiring to enter Medical Corps of U.S. Navy. 1
N17.17-33.4 Circular for information of persons desiring to enter Medical Corps of U.S. Navy. 1
N17.17-34 Circular for information of enlisted men of Navy desiring to be examined for appointment as acting pay clerk. 1
N17.17-35.1 Circular on physical qualifications required of persons desiring commissions in Navy and Marine Corps. 1
N17.17-35.2 Circular on physical qualifications required of persons desiring commissions in Navy and Marine Corps. 1
N17.17-36.1 Bureau of Navigation, war risk insurance circular. 1
N17.17-36.2 Bureau of Navigation, war risk insurance circular. 1
N 17.17:Ae 8 Physical qualifications required for appointment for aeronautic duty in Navy or Marine Corps
Physical qualifications required for appointment for aeronautic duty in Navy or Marine Corps.
N 17.17:Au 81/1 Circular in re "authorized strength" of Navy, officers and enlisted men, etc., under provisions of Act of Congress approved Aug. 29, 1916
Circular in re "authorized strength" of Navy, officers and enlisted men, etc., under provisions of Act of Congress approved Aug. 29, 1916.
N 17.17:Au 81/2 Circular in re "authorized strength" of Navy, officers and enlisted men, etc., under provisions of Act of Congress approved Aug. 29, 1916
Circular in re "authorized strength" of Navy, officers and enlisted men, etc., under provisions of Act of Congress approved Aug. 29, 1916.
N 17.17:B 63 Circular relating to appointment of acting boatswains in Navy 2
N 17.17:C 36 Circular for information of persons desiring to enter Chaplain Corps of Navy
Circular for information of persons desiring to enter Chaplain Corps of Navy.
N 17.17:C 36/2 Circular for information of persons desiring to enter Chaplain Corps of Navy
Circular for information of persons desiring to enter Chaplain Corps of Navy.
N 17.17:C 59/1 Directions concerning clerical force 2
N 17.17:C 59/2 Circular for information of persons desiring original appointments as clerks to pay officers in U.S. Navy, and whodesire their names placed on eligible list kept in office of Paymaster General of Navy 2
N 17.17:C 73/1 For information of commanders in chief and commanding officers 1
N 17.17:C 73/1 to N 17.17:C 73/5 For information of commanders in chief and commanding officers 1