Call Number (LC) Title Results
N28.6-1.74 Tempering of aluminum alloys. 1
N28.6-1.75 Stresses in dive. 1
N28.6-1.76 Airship O-1 and principles of semirigid airship construction. 1
N28.6-1.77 Tests on rigid outer cover cloth. 1
N28.6-1.78 Calculation of bending moments in nonrigid airship hulls. 1
N28.6-1.79 Down wash and determination of aerodynamic angles of attack of horizontal tail surfaces. 1
N28.6-1.8 Effect of hydrogen impurities on airship fabrics. 1
N28.6-1.80 Tension in wire loaded transversely. 1
N28.6-1.81 Airship piloting. 1
N28.6-1.83 Mooring of airships by "free" wire systems. 1
N28.6-1.84 Airship mooring and handling. 1
N28.6-1.87 Stresses in rigid airship when lying to mooring mast, or to 3-point cable mooring. 1
N28.6-1.88 Vibration frequency of wires. 1
N28.6-1.89 Skin frictional resistance of plane surfaces in air. 1
N28.6-1.9 Speed computation chart. 1
N28.6-1.90 Tail plane calculations; allowance for variation of slope of aerofoil lift curves with aspect ratio. 1
N28.6-1.91 Center of pressure coefficients for aerofoils at high speeds. 1
N28.6-1.94 Fabric fireproofing. 1
N28.6-1.95 N-9H seaplane performance characteristics. 1
N28.6-1.96 Storage of gas bags for rigid airships. 1