Call Number (LC) Title Results
N3740.C6 Museum processes in China : the institutional regulation, production and consumption of the art museums in the Greater Pearl River Delta region / 2
N3740.C6 D564 2013 华北东北博物馆镇馆之宝 1
N3750.A4 A6 Sculptures in the Allahabad Municipal Museum / 1
N3750.C27 C34 1973 Calcutta / 1
N3750.D3 A65 Les trésors du Musée national de Damas / 1
N3750.E5 A8 1970 Mishkan le'omanut = Museum of Art, Ein Harod. 1
N3750.H46 A64 2009 The Henan Museum / 1
N3750.H665 C45 2021 Chinese art since 1970 : the M+ Sigg collection / 1
N3750.J5 A5 1985 Treasures of the Israel Museum Jerusalem / 1
N3750.J5 A57 2005 The Israel Museum, Jerusalem. 2
N3750.J5 A77 1986 One hundred works on paper from the collection of the Israel Museum, Jerusalem / 1
N3750.J5 F54 1994 Fifty treasures, fifty stories : fifty works from the Israel Museum, Jerusalem : exhibited at the Jewish Museum, San Francisco on the occasion of its tenth anniversary, November- nineteen ninety-four / 1
N3750.J5 J45 1994 Jewish art masterpieces from the Israel Museum, Jerusalem / 1
N3750.J5 K3 From the beginning : archaeology and art in the Israel Museum, Jerusalem / 1
N3750.J5 M8 1983 The Israel Museum guide / 1
N3750.J5 W49 1995 The Israel Museum : Jerusalem / 1
N3750.J55 A65 1986 Inscriptions cunéiformes / 1
N3750.K3 R5 1971 Art in Afghanistan : objects from the Kabul Museum / 1
N3750.K3 R5 1971b Art in Afghanistan: objects from the Kabul Museum.
Art in Afghanistan : objects from the Kabul Museum /
N3750.N35 X8 2001 Treasures of the Nanjing Museum / 1