Call Number (LC) Title Results
N5202.S7 T67 2012 Pintura catalana del Barroc : l'auge col·leccionista i l'ofici de pintor al segle XVII / 1
N5205 .C66 1996 Patrocinio, colección y circulación de las artes / 1
N5205 .F69 1995 Engines of culture : philanthropy and art museums / 1
N5205 .P53 2013 Building Jerusalem : art, industry and the British millennium / 1
N5205 .W3713 1993 The court artist : on the ancestry of the modern artist / 2
N5205.7.C6 H36 2021 The imperial patronage of labor genre paintings in eighteenth-century China / 1
N5205.7.C6 L5 2010 Empresses, art, & agency in Song dynasty China / 1
N5205.7.E85 R66 2018 Romanesque patrons and processes : design and instrumentality in the art and architecture of Romanesque Europe / 2
N5205.7.E9 A77 2004 Artists at court : image-making and identity, 1300-1550 / 1
N5205.7.G3 B65 2021eb Riemenschneider in Rothenburg : sacred space and civic identity in the late medieval city / 1
N5205.7.G7 B835 2012 Commissioning contemporary art : a handbook for curators and artists / 1
N5205.7.G7 S65 1993 Painting for money : the visual arts and the public sphere in eighteenth-century England / 1
N5205.7.I8 C37 2014 I cardinali della Serenissima : arte e committenza tra Venezia e Roma (1523-1605) / 1
N5205.7.U6 C66 1985 Commissioning a work of public art : an annotated model agreement / 1
N5207 .B36 1984 The democratic muse : visual arts and the public interest / 2
N5207 .D57 Directory of corporate art collections.
ARTnews international directory of corporate art collections.
N5207 .M37 1990 Corporate art / 2
N5207 .M6 Art Inc., American paintings from corporate collections / 1
N5207 .W82 2002 Privatising culture : corporate art intervention since the 1980s / 1
N5207 .W83 2002 Privatising culture : corporate art intervention since the 1980s / 1