Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
N5310 .S56 | Chefs-d'œuvre du Musée de l'homme : [exposition] 1965. | 1 |
N5310 .S565 2020 |
In a Trance: On Paleo Art. In a Trance: On Paleo Art |
2 |
N5310 .S64 | Art finds a way : the story of human skills / | 1 |
N5310 .S683 | The Art of the stone age : forty thousand years of rock art / | 1 |
N5310 .S683 1961 | The Art of the stone age : forty thousand years of rock art / | 1 |
N5310 .S813 | Rock carvings in the Valcamonica. | 1 |
N5310 .S88 1921 | Exotische Kunst, Afrika und Ozeanien / | 1 |
N5310 .S9 1927 | Die kunst der naturvölker und der vorzeit / | 1 |
N5310 .S96 1957 | The artist in tribal society : proceedings of a symposium held at the Royal Anthropological Institute / | 1 |
N5310 .T613 | Prehistoric European art. / | 1 |
N5310 .W3 1960 | Prehistoric art of the western Mediterranean and the Sahara / | 1 |
N5310 .W45 | The origins of art. | 1 |
N5310 .W46 2013eb | The Origins of Monsters : Image and Cognition in the First Age of Mechanical Reproduction. | 1 |
N5310 .W46 2014 | The origins of monsters : image and cognition in the first age of mechanical reproduction / | 1 |
N5310 .W48 2003 |
Prehistoric art : the symbolic journey of mankind / Prehistoric art : the symbolic journey of humankind / |
2 |
N5310 .W49 | The rock art of South Africa / | 1 |
N5310 .W764 1949 | The Lascaux Cave paintings / | 1 |
N5310 .W766 | Primitive art : its traditions and styles. | 1 |
N5310 .W766 1965 | Primitive art : its traditions and styles. | 1 |
N5310 .W77 | Rock-drawings of southern upper Egypt : Sir Robert Mond desert expedition, preliminary report / | 1 |