Call Number (LC) Title Results
N5310.5.E83 N568 2020 Art in the Eurasian Iron Age Context, Connections and Scale. 1
N5310.5.E85 C56 2008 Cave art / 1
N5310.5.E85 .C66 2013 Ice Age art : the arrival of the modern mind / 1
N5310.5.F7 C4713 1996 Dawn of art : the Chauvet Cave : the oldest known paintings in the world / 1
N5310.5.F7 C87 2006 The cave painters : probing the mysteries of the world's first artists / 1
N5310.5.F7 D47 1994 L'art gravé azilien : de la technique à la signification / 1
N5310.5.F7 D47 2010 Stepping-stones : a journey through the Ice Age caves of the Dordogne / 1
N5310.5.F7 D47 2010eb Stepping-stones a journey through the Ice Age caves of the Dordogne / 1
N5310.5.F7 G73 2015 The grand masters of the Chauvet Cave / 1
N5310.5 .F7 L37 1990 The Lascaux Cave a look at our prehistoric past / 1
N5310.5.F7 L675 2020 Naissance de la vie : une lecture de l'art pariétal / 1
N5310.5.F7 R86 1987 The Cave of Lascaux : the final photographs / 1
N5310.5.F8 C38 2011 BLU Cave of forgotten dreams 1
N5310.5.G8 H66 The arts in prehistoric Greece / 2
N5310.5.G8 L36 2008 Art and identity in dark age Greece, 1100--700 B.C.E. / 1
N5310.5.I4 B76 Stone age painting in India / 1
N5310.5.I4 C53 1997 Indian rock art and its global context / 1
N5310.5.I4 C53 2002 Rock art of South India : with special reference to Andhra Pradesh / 1
N5310.5.I4 M36 1998 Rock art in Kerala / 1
N5310.5.I4 R43 1996 Recent perspectives on prehistoric art in India and allied subjects : essays in honour of Dr. Shyam Kumar Pandey / 1