Call Number (LC) Title Results
N5350 .L8 1979 Catalogue / 1
N5350 .M243 2003 Egypt : 4000 years of art / 1
N5350 .M256 1999 Egyptian art / 1
N5350 .M26 Egypt in the age of the pyramids : highlights from the Harvard University-Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Expedition / 1
N5350 .M264 1999 Egyptian art / 1
N5350 .M28 2017 Egyptian art / 1
N5350 .M3 Art in Egypt / 1
N5350 .M3 1912 Art in Egypt / 1
N5350 .M37 2002 Egypt in the age of the pyramids : highlights from the Harvard University-Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Expedition / 1
N5350 .M37 2013 Egyptian art 1
N5350 .M3813 Egyptian archæology / 1
N5350 .M3813 1887 Egyptian archaeology / 1
N5350 .M39 L'archéologie égyptienne / 1
N5350 .M61423 Art of ancient Egypt / 1
N5350 .M8 1979 Grenoble, Musée des beaux-arts : collection égyptienne / 1
N5350 .M83 1979 Grenoble, Musée des beaux-arts : collection égyptienne / 1
N5350 .N39 Nefertiti graffiti : comments on an exhibition / 1
N5350 .N96 2020 Seeing perfection : ancient Egyptian images beyond representation / 1
N5350 .O43 2006 The Old Kingdom art and archaeology : proceedings of the conference held in Prague, May 31-June 4, 2004 / 1
N5350 .P33 1932 Guide-catalogue sommaire / 1