Call Number (LC) Title Results
N6300 .F65 1995 The art of the crusaders in the Holy Land, 1098-1187 / 1
N6300 .F655 2005 Crusader art in the Holy Land : from the Third Crusade to the fall of Acre, 1187-1291 / 1
N6300 .F656 2008 Crusader art : the art of the Crusaders in the Holy Land, 1099-1291 / 1
N6310 Visible Exports / Imports : New Research on Medieval and Renaissance European Art and Culture / 1
N6310.A5 A56 Europäische Kunst um 1400 : achte Ausstellung unter den Auspizien des Europarates. 1
N6310 .A833 The art of the High Gothic era. / 1
N6310 .A833 1966 The art of the High Gothic era. / 1
N6310 .B3 Le Moyen Age fantastique : antiquités et exotismes dans l'art gothique. 1
N6310 .B34 Réveils et prodiges : le gothique fantastique. 1
N6310 .B3713 2007 European art of the fourteenth century / 1
N6310 .B75 1977 Transformations of the court style : Gothic art in Europe, 1270 to 1330 : an exhibition by the Department of Art, Brown University at the Museum of Art, Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, Rhode Island, February 2 through February 27, 1977. -- 1
N6310 .C36 1996 Gothic art : glorious visions / 4
N6310 .C43 2008eb Gothic art /
L'art gothique /
N6310 .D4813 Gothic art / 1
N6310 .D813 Idealism and naturalism in Gothic art. / 1
N6310 .E7513 1989 Gothic art / 1
N6310 .E8 L'Europe gothique, XIIe XIVe siècles. : Musée du Louvre, Pavillon de Flore, Paris, 2 avril-1er juillet 1968. 1
N6310 .F7 Gothic art 1140-c. 1450 : sources and documents /
Gothic art 1140-c. 1450; sources and documents
N6310 .F736 2018 Frontières du Gothique. 1
N6310 .G55 2005 Observation and image-making in Gothic art / 1