Call Number (LC) Title Results
N6488.G3 S76 Neuere Kunst aus württembergischer Privatbesitz: 1. : Klassische Moderne. Staatsgalerie Stuttgart, 13. April 1973 bis 17. Juni 1973 / 1
N6488.G3 S785 2021 Jetzt oder nie : 50 Jahre Sammlung LBBW / 1
N6488.G3 S83 L'Art en Europe autour de 1925 / 1
N6488.G3 S853 1987 "Blow-up" Zeitgeschichte / 1
N6488.G3 V47 2011 Vermessung der Welt : Heterotopien und Wissensräume in der Kunst = Measuring the world : heterotopias and knowledge spaces in art / 1
N6488.G3 W45 2019 Neues Museum Weimar : Van De Velde, Nietzsche and modernism around 1900 / 1
N6488.G3 W457 2022 Rendezvous mit der Sammlung : Kunst von 1960 bis heute / 1
N6488.G3 W64 2003 Painting pictures : painting and media in the digital age. 1
N6488.G3 W65513 2007 Japan and the West : the filled void / 1
N6488.G7 Towards Tate Modern : public policy, private vision / 1
N6488.G7 B88 An Exhibition at Stowe, Buckingham / 1
N6488.G7B88 An Exhibition at Stowe, Buckingham / 1
N6488.G7 F75 Frieze Art Fair yearbook.
Frieze Art Fair London.
N6488.G7 L58 2012 The unexpected guest : art, writing and thinking on hospitality / 1
N6488.G7 L588 2002 Remix : contemporary art & pop. 1
N6488.G7 L6 1999 Abracadabra : international contemporary art / 1
N6488.G7 L62 1974 Vordemberge-Gildewart remembered : [catalogue of an exhibition held] 4 July-14 September 1974 / 1
N6488.G7 L63 Helen Sutherland Collection : a pioneer collection of the 1930s [catalogue of an exhibition] 1
N6488.G7 L635 1973 Ferdinand Howald, avant-garde collector : a loan exhibition from the Columbus Gallery of Fine Arts, Ohio, in aid of the National Library for the Blind, 20th June-21st July, 1973. 1
N6488.G7 L639 1997 Government Art Collection of the United Kingdom : the twentieth century : works excluding prints : a summary catalogue. 1