Call Number (LC) Title Results
N6490 .P77 Seven decades, 1895-1965 : crosscurrents in modern art : [catalog of an exhibition held] April 26-May 21, 1966 / 1
N6490 .P77 1966 Seven decades, 1895-1965 : crosscurrents in modern art : [catalog of an exhibition held] April 26-May 21, 1966 / 1
N6490 .P782 2012 L'effacement de l'artiste : essai sur l'art des années 1960 et 1970 / 1
N6490 .Q5 15. : Premio Lissone internazionale di pittura. Aspetti della giovane pittura svedese. Presenze di: Baj, Fieschi, Hamilton, Y. Klein, Monory. 10. scultori italiani d'oggi / 1
N6490 .R34 Sculpture from junk / 1
N6490 .R342 1969 III [i.e. Terza] Rassegna internazionale d'arte Acireale turistico-termale. : Acireale, 6-30 settembre 1969. Regione siciliana. Assessorato del turismo delle comunicazioni e dei trasporti : Azienda autonoma delle Terme di S. Venera. 1
N6490 .R35 1974 Rassegna interdisciplinare sul problema "arte e lavoro" : XXVII Premio Suzzara, 8 sett.-16 ott. 1974 / 1
N6490 .R4 1948 Art now: an introduction to the theory of modern painting and sculpture. 1
N6490 .R4 1948a Art now : an introduction to the theory of modern painting and sculpture. 1
N6490 .R43 The philosophy of modern art : collected essays. 1
N6490 .R43 1955 The philosophy of modern art. 1
N6490 .R43 1967 The philosophy of modern art. 1
N6490 .R43 1971 The philosophy of modern art : collected essays. 1
N6490 .R45 1936 Surrealism / 1
N6490 .R452 1971 Reflection thru a collector's eye / 1
N6490 .R457 2016 Red Africa : affective communities and the Cold War / 1
N6490 .R464 1981 Reliefs : Formprobleme zwischen Malerei und Skulptur im 20. Jahrhundert / 1
N6490 .R47 1948 Débat sur l'art contemporain / 1
N6490 .R518 1959 Contra el arte abstracto / 1
N6490 .R534 L'art 1900 : ou le style Jules Verne / 1