N6494.M78 R88 2005
New media in art / |
1 |
N6494.M78 S44 2015
See this sound : audiovisuology : a reader / |
1 |
N6494.M78 S54 2013
1 |
N6494.M78 S66 1999
Shout outs : 11/4/99 - 12/12/99, Rice University Art Gallery / |
1 |
N6494.M78 U47 2011
Umění a nová média. |
1 |
N6494.M78 V47 2008
Vertigo : a century of multimedia art from futurism to the Web / |
1 |
N6494.M8 B87 2001
Artists' multiples, 1935-2000 / |
1 |
N6494.M8 G54 1997
The great American pop art store : multiples of the sixties / |
1 |
N6494.M8 M66 2008
Photoshop Studio with Bert Monroy : digital painting / |
1 |
N6494.M8 T3
Multiples: the first decade : [catalogue] / |
1 |
N6494.N3 C493 2005
La figuration narrative / |
1 |
N6494.N3 H67 2007
Horn please : narratives in contemporary Indian art / |
1 |
N6494.N3 I58
Narration / |
1 |
N6494.N3 W38 1975
Relative to hanging = svarende til haengning = svarende til hengning = vardandi hengingu = svarende till hängning = syyllistynyt hirttämiseen / |
1 |
N6494.N3 W4
Works / |
1 |
N6494.N34 M34 2010
Dead or alive / |
1 |
N6494.N6 B3 1964
Secession : Europäische Kunst um die Jahrhundertwende. Haus der Kunst, München, 14. März bis 10. Mai 1964. [Katalog. |
1 |
N6494.N6 B33 1969
The world of art nouveau. |
1 |
N6494.N6 H3
Stilkunst um 1900 / |
1 |
N6494.N6 W6 1968
Jugendstilsammlung / |
1 |