Call Number (LC) Title Results
N6512 .W532 1997 1997 biennial exhibition / 1
N6512 W532 1997 American art from the Whitney Museum, 1975-1995 : multiple identity = Arte Americana dal Whitney Museum, 1975-1995 : identità multiple / 1
N6512 .W532 1997a American art from the Whitney Museum, 1975-1995 : multiple identity = Arte Americana dal Whitney Museum, 1975-1995 : identità multiple / 1
N6512 .W532 1999 Frames of reference : looking at American art, 1900-1950 : works from the Whitney Museum of American Art / 2
N6512 .W532 2000 Whitney biennial : 2000 biennial exhibition / 1
N6512 .W532 2002 An American legacy, a gift to New York : recent acquisitions from the board of trustees /
An American legacy, a gift to New York : recent acquisitions from the Board of Trustees /
N6512 .W532 2002a 2002 biennial exhibition / 1
N6512 .W532 2004 Whitney biennial 2004 / 1
N6512 .W532 2006 Day for night / 1
N6512 .W532 2008 2008 biennial exhibition / 1
N6512 .W532a Annual exhibition.
Annual exhibition of contemporary painting.
N6512 .W54 Who's who in the arts. 1
N6512 .W55 2000 After modern sculpture : art in the United States and Europe, 1965-70 / 1
N6512 .W56 Art at the end of the 20th century : selections from the Whitney Museum of American Art /
Transparency, reflection, light, space: four artists /
N6512 .W56 1999 Who was who in American art, 1564-1975 : 400 years of artists in America / 1
N6512 .W574 1981 Window room furniture / 1
N6512 .W576 1987 De-architecture / 1
N6512 .W577 Bauhaus in America : Resonanz und Weiterentwicklung, repercussion and further development / 1
N6512 .W587 Women artists news.
Women artists news book review.
N6512 .W59 1973 Women choose women, January 12-February 18, 1973 / 1