Call Number (LC) Title Results
N6579 .F5 1989 Datos históricos sobre la plástica hondureña / 1
N6583.T6 D46 1991 Toulouse-Lautrec / 1
N6585 .B54 1992 I Bienal de Arte Pictórico Cervecería Nacional Panamá 1992. 1
N6588 .A78 1995 Art under duress : El Salvador 1980-present. 1
N6588 .S65 1987 Conferencias / 1
N6591 .C375 2012 Caribbean : art at the crossroads of the world / 1
N6591 .C38 1995 Caribbean visions : contemporary painting and sculpture. 1
N6591 .C64 2019 Coffee, rhum, sugar & gold : a postcolonial paradox / 1
N6591 .G37 2019 Beyond representation in contemporary Caribbean art : space, politics, and the public sphere / 2
N6591 .H33 2020 The Making of a Caribbean Avant-Garde Postmodernism as Post-nationalism /
The Making of a Caribbean Avant-Garde : Postmodernism as Post-nationalism /
N6591 .I54 2007 Infinite island : contemporary Caribbean art / 1
N6591 .N645 2021 Tropical aesthetics of black modernism / 2
N6591 .P74 1989 Presencia africana en el arte del Caribe : exhibición de arte organizada por el Instituto de Estudios del Caribe, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Puerto Rico, del 6 al 30 de septiembre de 1989, Museo de Arte e Historia, San Juan de Puerto Rico. 1
N6591 .S66 2020 Caribbean women and their art : an encyclopedia / 1
N6591 .W35 2011 Timed out : art and the transnational Caribbean / 1
N6591 .W463 2019 The sea is history / 1
N6600 ebook Diálogos : investigación y sociedad : reflexiones desde la historia y la historia del arte / 1
N6602.G75 A4 2017 Marlon Griffith : symbols of endurance. 1
N6603 .B4 1990 De Gutenberg a Landaluze / 1
N6603 .B48 2005 AfroCuba : works on paper, 1968-2003 / 1