Call Number (LC) Title Results
N6811.5.P548 P44 2007 PAL Die Phette box : Phettbergs Nette Leit Show / 1
N6811.5.P58 G7 Rudolf Pointner. : Gemälde und Grafik. 1
N6811.5.P86 A42012 Räumliche Sequenz = Spatial sequence : Florian Pumhösl / 1
N6811.5.R3 A4 1982 Hiroshima : Werkgruppe aus 57 Bildern : group of 57 works / 1
N6811.5.R3 A4 1989b Arnulf Rainer : an exhibition / 1
N6811.5.R3 A45 Face farces. 1
N6811.5.R3 A45 1984 A. Rainer : mort et sacrifice : Musée national d'art moderne, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, Galeries contemporaines, 1er février-26 mars 1984. 1
N6811.5.R3 A52 Reste : (zugemalte Übermalungen 1954 - 1978) - Remnants / 1
N6811.5.R6 A4 1995 Rochowanski. 1
N6811.5.R615 A4 2008 Swing / 1
N6811.5.R662 A4 2017 In the spring of 2017 Martin Roth published a selection of his works. 1
N6811.5 .R67 2004 Paul Zwietnig-Rotterdam : worklist : paintings and sculpture projects = werkliste : Malerei Skulptur Projeckte : 1953-2004 / 1
N6811.5.R67 P38 2004 Paul Zwietnig-Rotterdam : worklist : paintings and sculpture projects = werkliste : Malerei Skulptur Projeckte : 1953-2004 / 1
N6811.5.S34 Egon Schiele. 1
N6811.5.S34 A3 2008 Egon Schiele : letters and poems 1910-1912 from the Leopold Collection / 1
N6811.5.S34 A4 1968 Egon Schiele 1890-1918 : watercolors and drawings : memorial exhibition October 31-December 14, 1968. 1
N6811.5.S34 A4 1979 Egon Schiele : an exhibition selected and introduced by Serge Sabarsky : the Seibu Museum of Art, Tokyo, April 27-June 6, 1979 / 1
N6811.5.S34 A4 1985 Egon Schiele / 1
N6811.5.S34 A4 1994 Egon Schiele / 1
N6811.5.S34 A4 1994b Nudes, Egon Schiele / 1