Call Number (LC) Title Results
N6846.5.N4 H37 An Italian patron of French neo-classic art. 1
N6846.5.N4 W55 1996 Napoleon and his artists / 1
N6846.5.R6 D86 1976 The pursuit of pleasure : the rococo revival in French romantic art / 1
N6846.5.R6 G44 2015 Gefährliche Liebschaften : die Kunst des französischen Rokoko : eine Ausstellung der Liebieghaus Skulpturensammlung, Frankfurt am Main, 4. November 2015 bis 28. März 2016 / 1
N6846.5.R6 S28 De Watteau à David : peintures et dessins des musées de province français : [exposition], 27 septembre-30 novembre [1975], Palais des beaux-arts, Bruxelles : [catalogue / 1
N6847 Impressionist and modern : the art and collection of Fritz Gross / 1
N6847 .A12 1985 19th century French prints, drawings & bronzes. 1
N6847 .A38 Marianne au combat : l'imagerie et la symbolique républicaines de 1789 à 1880 / 1
N6847 .A47 2022 Gawkers : art and audience in late nineteenth-century France / 1
N6847 .A794 1990 The Art of the July monarchy : France, 1830 to 1848 / 3
N6847 .A795 1984 Artists of La Revue blanche : Bonnard, Toulouse-Lautrec, Vallotton, Vuillard : Memorial Art Gallery of the University of Rochester, January 22-April 15, 1984, Rochester, New York / 1
N6847 .B35 1965 Critique d'art / 1
N6847 .B362 1955 The mirror of art, critical studies / 1
N6847 .B362 1956a The mirror of art : critical studies / 1
N6847 .B47 1982 Consulat - Empire - Restauration : art in early XIX century France : a loan exhibition for the benefit of the Lycée Francais of New York / 1
N6847 .B57 Les arts plastiques. : Préface de Maurice Denis. 1
N6847 .B65 2004 Bonjour, Monsieur Courbet! : the Bruyas collection from the Musée Fabre, Montpellier / 1
N6847 .B76 2017 Gamin de paris in nineteenth-century visual culture : delacroix, hugo, and the french social imaginary /
The Gamin de Paris in nineteenth-century visual culture : Delacroix, Hugo, and the French social imaginary /
N6847 .B87 2008 Hidden in the shadow of the master : the model-wives of Cézanne, Monet, and Rodin / 1
N6847 .B87 2008eb Hidden in the shadow of the master : the model-wives of Cézanne, Monet, and Rodin /
Hidden in the shadow of the master the model-wives of Cézanne, Monet, and Rodin /