N6847.5.I4 C58 1991
Painted love : prostitution in French art of the impressionist era / |
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N6847.5.I4 C65 2022
Collecting impressionism : a reappraisal of the role of collectors in the history of the movement / |
1 |
N6847.5.I4 C6513 2020
Collecting impressionism : a reappraisal of the role of collectors in the history of the movement / |
1 |
N6847.5.I4 D57 1999
Cézanne to Van Gogh : the collection of Doctor Gachet / |
1 |
N6847.5.I4 G5613 2001
Gloria victis! / |
1 |
N6847.5.I4 I47 2012
Impressionism, fashion & modernity / |
1 |
N6847.5.I4 I78
The crisis of Impressionism, 1878-1882 : the University of Michigan Museum of Art, 2 November 1979-6 January 1980 / |
1 |
N6847.5.I4 M48 2009
The Annenberg Collection : masterpieces of Impressionism and Post-impressionism / |
1 |
N6847.5.I4 M67 1986
Impressionist and post-impressionist works from a British collection / |
1 |
N6847.5.I4 M86 1993
Catalogue French impressionism : Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek / |
1 |
N6847.5.I4 M86 2003
French impressionists / |
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N6847.5.I4 R33 2006
Impressionist and post-impressionist painting and sculpture in the Israel Museum, Jerusalem / |
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N6847.5.I4 R64 1994
La réception de l'impressionnisme à Florence en 1910 : Prezzolini et Soffici maîtres d'œuvre de la "Prima esposizione italiana dell'impressionismo francese e delle scolture di Medardo Rosso" / |
1 |
N6847.5.I4 W3 2003
The politics of aesthetic judgment / |
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N6847.5.I4 W49 1996
Impressionists side by side : their friendships, rivalries, and artistic exchanges / |
2 |
N6847.5.I4 W66 2008
Women impressionists / |
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N6847.5.I4 W663 2008
Painting in a man's world : four stories about Berthe Morisot, Mary Cassatt, Eva Gonzalès, Marie Bracqueond / |
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N6847.5.I4 Z6 1970
Mon salon. : Manet. Écrits sur l'art / |
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N6847.5.N3 A5 1981
Exhibitions of the Rosicrucian Salon. |
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N6847.5.N3 B658 2019
Bonnard to Vuillard : the intimate poetry of everyday life : the Nabi collection of Vicki and Roger Sant / |
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