Call Number (LC) Title Results
N6849.T6 Z63 Touraine romane / 1
N6850 World's Fair of 1889
La splendeur de l'architecture gothique anglaise.
World's Fair of 1855 /
N6850 .A54 2006 American artists & the Louvre / 1
N6850 .A78x 2015 Artistes juifs et l'École de Paris, 1905-1939 = Jewish artists of the School of Paris, 1905-1939 / 1
N6850 .B46 1999 Public access to art in Paris : a documentary history from the Middle Ages to 1800 / 1
N6850 .B476 1985 Paris cafés : their role in the birth of modern art : November 13-December 20, 1985, Wildenstein / 1
N6850 .B64 1995 Art and the French commune : imagining Paris after war and revolution / 1
N6850 .B67 Paris 1900 [i.e. dix-neuf cent] / 1
N6850 .B6713 1989 Paris 1900 : architecture and design / 2
N6850 .B6713 1989b Paris 1900 : architecture and design / 1
N6850 .B6813 1997 Paris Montparnasse : the heyday of modern art, 1910-1940 / 1
N6850 .B73 2013 Rivals and Conspirators : the Paris Salons and the Modern Art Centre. 1
N6850 .B853 2009 La Ruche : cité des artistes / 1
N6850 .C39 2012 Paris romantique : la capitale des enfants du siècle / 1
N6850 .C54 2023 Bali guo li gao deng mei shu xua yuan de Zhongguo lang chao = Les Chinois aux Beaux-Arts de Paris 1914-1955 / 1
N6850 .C58 2002 Paris in despair : art and everyday life under siege (1870-71) / 1
N6850 .D35 2011 Paris des arts, 1930-1950 / 1
N6850 .E87 2014 Esprit Montmartre : Bohemian life in Paris around 1900 / 1
N6850 .F67 2015 Foreign artists and communities in modern Paris, 1870-1914 : strangers in paradise / 1
N6850 .G8 Conversaciones con los artistas españoles de la Escuela de París. 1