Call Number (LC) Title Results
N6853.D3 L38 1991 The drawings of Daumier and Millet / 1
N6853.D3 L39 1996 Honoré Daumier / 2
N6853.D3 M87 2008 Daumier : artiste frondeur, marseillais rebelle / 1
N6853.D3 S96 1979 Daumier / 1
N6853.D315 R63 1989 Jacques-Louis David, revolutionary artist : art, politics, and the French Revolution / 1
N6853.D315 S313 1982 David / 1
N6853.D3214 D47 2004 Prégnances : lavis de Colette Deblé, peintures / 1
N6853.D323 A4 1984 Alexandre Gabriel Decamps, 1803-1860 : exhibition and catalogue / 1
N6853.D33 Degas : images of women. 1
N6853.D33 A3 1947 Letters / 1
N6853.D33 A3 1987 Degas by himself : drawings, prints, paintings, writings / 2
N6853.D33 A3 2020 The letters of Edgar Degas / 1
N6853 .D33 A4 1949 A loan exhibition of Degas for the benefit of the New York Infirmary. 1
N6853 .D33 A4 1949 A loan exhibition of Degas for the benefit of the New York Infirmary. 1
N6853.D33 A4 1979 Degas, 1879 : paintings, pastels, drawings, prints and sculpture from around 100 years ago in the context of his earlier and later works : catalogue / 1
N6853.D33 A4 1984 Degas in the Art Institute of Chicago / 2
N6853.D33 A4 1984b Edgar Degas : Pastelle, Ölskizzen, Zeichnungen / 1
N6853.D33 A4 1984c Degas e l'Italia : Villa Medici, 1 dicembre 1984-10 febbraio 1985. 1
N6853.D33 A4 1985 Degas : pastels, oil sketches, drawings / 1
N6853.D33 A4 1988 Degas : [an exhibition held at the] Galeries nationales du Grand Palais, Paris, 9 February-16 May 1988, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 16 June-28 August 1988, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 27 September 1988-8 January 1989 / 1