Call Number (LC) Title Results
N6853.D8 H3 1964 Not seen and/or less seen of / 1
N6853.D8 H335 2020 Duchamp, aesthetics, and capitalism / 1
N6853.D8 H35 2010 Marcel Duchamp : Étant donnés / 1
N6853.D8 H37 2013 Marcel Duchamp and the architecture of desire / 1
N6853.D8 H59 1998 Marcel Duchamp and Max Ernst : the bride shared / 1
N6853.D8 H6 1964 Marcel Duchamp : ready-mades, etc., 1913-1964 / 1
N6853.D8 H67 2016 Playing with earth and sky : astronomy, geography, and the art of Marcel Duchamp / 2
N6853 .D8 I53 2013 The indefinite Duchamp / 1
N6853.D8 J66 1994 Postmodernism and the en-gendering of Marcel Duchamp / 2
N6853.D8 J67 1998 Infinite regress : Marcel Duchamp, 1910-1941 / 2
N6853.D8 J82 2010 Drawing on art : Duchamp and company / 1
N6853.D8 J82 2010eb Drawing on art : Duchamp and company / 2
N6853.D8 J83 1995 Unpacking Duchamp : art in transit / 1
N6853.D8 L43 2021 Marcel Duchamp / 1
N6853.D8 L9613 1990 Duchamp's TRANS/formers : a book / 1
N6853.D8 M348 2007 Marcel Duchamp : la vie à crédit : biographie / 1
N6853.D8 M35 Marcel Duchamp : abécédaire : approches critiques / 1
N6853.D8 M354 1989 Marcel Duchamp : artist of the century / 1
N6853.D8 M36 1999 Marcel Duchamp, respirateur / 1
N6853.D8 M36 2011 Marcel Duchamp : tradition de la rupture ou rupture de la tradition / 1