Call Number (LC) Title Results
N6853.P5 A4 2013 Picasso and Chicago : 100 years, 100 works / 1
N6853.P5 A4 2013b The Picassos are here! : a retrospective from Basel collections / 1
N6853.P5 A4 2014 Sylvette, Sylvette, Sylvette : Picasso and the model / 1
N6853.P5 A4 2014b Picasso & Jacqueline : the evolution of style / 1
N6853.P5 A4 2015 Picasso.mania : Grand Palais, Galeries Nationales, Paris, October 7-2015-February 29, 2016.
10 Picassos del Kunstmuseum Basel : en el Museo del Prado /
N6853.P5 A4 2016 Picasso portraits /
Picasso : the artist and his muses /
N6853.P5 A4 2016c Picasso Rivera : conversations across time / 1
N6853.P5 A4 2016d Romanesque -- Picasso / 1
N6853.P5 A4 2017 Picasso-Giacometti /
Through the eyes of Picasso : face to face with African and Oceanic art /
N6853.P5 A4 2017b Pity and terror : Picasso's path to Guernica / 1
N6853.P5 A4 2018 Picasso 1932 : love, fame, tragedy : the EY exhibition /
Picasso, l'atelier du Minotaure /
Les vacances de M. Pablo : Picasso à Antibes Juan-les-Pins, 1920-1946 /
M. Pablo's holidays : Picasso in Antibes Juan-les-Pins 1920-1946 /
N6853.P5 A4 2018d Picasso : chefs d'oeuvre! / 1
N6853.P5 A4 2018f Picasso, bleu et rose / 1
N6853.P5 A4 2019 Alphabet : Picasso poet /
Picasso : the late work : from the collection of Jacqueline Picasso /
N6853.P5 A4 2019b Picasso : the photographer's gaze = La mirada del fotógrafo / 1
N6853.P5 A4 2019c Picasso : the blue and rose periods / 1
N6853.P5 A4 2019d Picasso en Uruguay / 1
N6853.P5 A4 2020 Picasso and paper / 1
N6853.P5 A4 2021 Picasso-Rodin /
Picasso : painting the blue period /
N6853.P5 A4 2022 Picasso-El Greco /
Picasso : rostros y figuras : obras de la Fondation Beyeler y de la Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando /