Call Number (LC) Title Results
N6921.F7 C56 2017 The Cinquecento in Florence : "modern manner" and counter-reformation / 1
N6921.F7 C64 Masaccio and the art of early Renaissance Florence / 2
N6921.F7 D35 2013 Dal giglio al David : arte civica a Firenze fra Medioevo e Rinascimento / 1
N6921.F7 D36 2002 The Florentines : art from the time of the Medici grand dukes : National Gallery in Prague, Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic in cooperation with Olomouc Museum of Arts, Archdiocesan Museum in Olomouc and Gallery of Fine Arts in Cheb / 1
N6921.F7 D47 1974 The twilight of the Medici : late baroque art in Florence, 1670-1743 / 1
N6921.F7 F485 Firenze verifica 1945-1965. : XXI Premio del fiorino Biennale internazionale d'arte / 1
N6921.F7 F49 2012 Florence / 1
N6921.F7 F88 2011 Futurismo & futuristi a Firenze / 1
N6921.F7 G7 70 [i.e. Settanta] pitture e sculture del '600 e '700 fiorentino : [mostra] Firenze, Palazzo Strozzi, ottobre 1965 / 1
N6921.F7 H27 Florentine art under fire. 1
N6921.F7 H47 2008 Florenz und seine Künstler / 1
N6921.F7 K63 1986 Florence and Tuscany, a Phaidon cultural guide / 1
N6921.F7 L46 2005 Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelangelo, and the Renaissance in Florence / 1
N6921.F7 .L67 1992 Lorenzo il Magnifico / 1
N6921.F7 M26 2016 Maniera : Pontormo, Bronzino and Medici Florence / 1
N6921.F7 M28 The stones of Florence / 1
N6921.F7 M28 1959 The stones of Florence / 1
N6921.F7 M43 2002 The Medici, Michelangelo, & the art of late Renaissance Florence / 1
N6921.F7 M45 2000 Via di Monteoliveto : chiese e ville di un colle fiorentino / 1
N6921.F7 M66 2011 Money and beauty : bankers, Botticelli and the bonfire of the vanities / 1