N6921.C74 R56 2015
Rinascimento cremasco : arti, maestri e botteghe tra XV e XVI secolo / |
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N6921.F28 D33 2014
Da Giotto a Gentile : pittura e scultura a Fabriano fra Due e Trecento / |
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N6921.F39 P56 2012
Pinacoteca comunale di Fermo : dipinti, arazzi, sculture / |
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N6921.F4 F93 1984
From Borso to Cesare d'Este : the school of Ferrara, 1450-1628 : an exhibition in aid of the Courtauld Institute of Art Trust Appeal in association with Stair Sainty Matthiesen, 141 East 69th Street, New York. |
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N6921.F4 G48 2004
Ferrara estense : guida storico-artistica / |
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N6921.F4 S68 1988
Power and display in the seventeenth century : the arts and their patrons in Modena and Ferrara / |
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N6921.F4 T64 2010
Le arti a Ferrara nel Quattrocento : gli artisti e la corte / |
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An art lover's guide to Florence / |
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N6921.F7 A387 1988
The art of Florence / |
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N6921.F7 A39 2012
The Anglo-Florentine Renaissance : art for the early Tudors / |
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N6921.F7 A4 1947
Florentine painting and its social background : the bourgeois republic before Cosimo de' Medici's advent to power / |
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N6921.F7 A6777 2016
Arte a Firenze 1970-2015 : una città in prospettiva / |
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N6921.F7 A678 2006
Arte e manifattura di corte a Firenze : dal tramonto dei Medici all'Impero, 1732-1815 / |
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N6921.F7 A679 2009
Le arti a Firenze tra gotico e rinascimento = les arts à Florence de l'époque gothique à la renaissance / |
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N6921.F7 A7 1969
Artisti alla Corte granducale. : Palazzo Pitti, Appartamenti monumentali, maggio-luglio 1969. |
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N6921.F7 B55 1948
Trésors de l'art florentin, XIV-XVe s. / |
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N6921.F7 B555 2015
The new art of the fifteenth century : faith and art in Florence and the Netherlands / |
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N6921.F7 B56
Theater art of the Medici / |
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N6921.F7 B63 2006
The beauties of the city of Florence : a guidebook of 1591 / |
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N6921.F7 C45
Art et humanisme à Florence au temps de Laurent le Magnifique : études sur la Renaissance et l'humanisme platonicien. |
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