Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
N70 .B47 | Du romantisme dans les arts / | 1 |
N70 .B4714 2013 | Beyond the aesthetic and the anti-aesthetic / | 1 |
N70 .B4714 2013eb | Beyond the aesthetic and the anti-aesthetic / | 1 |
N70 .B484 | Philosophische Analysen zur Kunst der Gegenwart. | 1 |
N70 .B5 | A study in aesthetics / | 1 |
N70 .B55 1949 | Retreat from likeness in the theory of painting. | 1 |
N70 .B63 2020 | UCI critical theory and contemporary art practice : Jacques Derrida, Jean-François Lyotard, Bruce Nauman, and others / | 1 |
N70 .B68 1998 | The pleasure of beholding : the visitor's museum / | 1 |
N70 .B73 2020 | Art and the form of life / | 1 |
N70 .B77 | Art and everyman : a basis for appreciation, forming a general introduction to the study of art of all types, ages and countries. | 1 |
N70 .B827 2009 | Situational aesthetics : selected writings by Victor Burgin / | 1 |
N70 .B835 | Great western salt works : essays on the meaning of post-formalist art / | 1 |
N70 .B837 | Ėsteticheska︠i︡a sushchnostʹ iskusstva. | 1 |
N70 .B87 2019 | Fictioning : the myth-functions of contemporary art and philosophy / | 1 |
N70 .C337 2021eb | Sociopolitical aesthetics : art, crisis and neoliberalism / | 1 |
N70 .C34 2015 | L'art du fragment : frontières apparentes & frontières souterraines / | 1 |
N70 .C36 2000 | Capital culture : a reader on modernist legacies, state institutions, and the value(s) of art / | 1 |
N70 .C36 2000eb |
Capital culture : a reader on modernist legacies, state institutions, and the value(s) of art / Capital culture a reader on modernist legacies, state institutions, and the value(s) of art / |
2 |
N70 .C376 2013 | Carnal knowledge : towards a 'new materialism' through the arts / | 1 |
N70 .C47 | Apo tēn epiphaneia sto bathos : problēmata kai dēmiourgoi morphōn tēs synchronēs technēs. | 1 |